Can the dgrid have any functions to differentiate the rows? Data from server has two sets. One is the special set of rows that need to be displayed first on dgrid then the next set of data to be diaplayed with its own filter and sorting functions. Does dgrid support multiple data sets/store? Have to display the first data set all the time even while scrolling. I know that i can have two dgrids to accomplish this. Is it possible with one dgrid?

Thanks for the suggestions.


1 回答 1


没有任何开箱即用的东西可以帮助解决这样的问题。我建议有两个网格,一个在另一个之上,第二个showHeader设置为false. 如果您需要劫持第一个网格中标题单元格的排序行为,您可以侦听网格的dgrid-sort事件,取消它(使用preventDefault),并以编程方式对第二个网格执行操作。

于 2013-10-25T22:50:23.190 回答