How can I execute OS/Windows commands from within SQL Box present in the OTRS Admin panel. I tried too many formats but seems I am missing something in the syntax !
OTRS is installed on a windows Box and using MYSQL as a database
Thanks in advance
您没有与 OTRS 共享您使用的数据库。
MySQL 不允许您从 SQL 语句中执行操作系统命令。
Microsoft SQL Server 确实为您提供了这种可能性,但仅限于服务帐户的权限:
EXECUTE [master].[dbo].[xp_cmdshell] 'dir c:\otrs'
为此,您的数据库帐户必须具有适当的权限,另请参阅:对象 xp_cmdshell 的权限被拒绝