我使用遗传算法(来自包“witness”的witness.genetic)将模型拟合到数据集。当前系统时间在这台机器上需要 61 小时:

Intel Core i7-2640M CPU @ 2.80 GHz 2.80 GHz RAM:4 GB 操作系统:64 位窗口

我想加快这个过程。到目前为止,在我的研究中,向量的存储(对于 64 位)和处理速度似乎都存在内存问题。改进我的硬件有助于加快遗传算法或操作系统限制的速度。如果是前者,我应该关注硬件的哪些方面?


1 回答 1


The answer is almost always to write a better algorithm! Moore's law says upgrading a 10 year old computer will give a 32 times speed-up. But designing a O(n log n) algorithm to replace a O(n**2) algorithm will give a 2500 speed up (assuming there are 10k items).

Read Steven Skiena's Algorithm Design Manual for examples.

于 2013-10-11T16:08:31.070 回答