我正在学习 Python,今天在编写一些代码时,我试图决定在哪里放置import语句。

我可以将 import 语句放在任何看起来的地方,但是放置如何影响性能、命名空间以及我还不知道的任何其他内容?


5 回答 5


官方的 GoodPractice 是将所有导入放在模块或脚本的开头,从标准 lib 模块/包开始,然后是第三部分,然后是特定项目,参见http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep -0008/#进口

实际上,您有时必须将导入延迟到函数中,作为循环依赖的快速而肮脏的解决方法(解决循环依赖的正确方法是在另一个模块中提取相关部分,但对于某些框架,您可能必须接受 Q&D解决方法)。



search the module_or_package in `sys.modules`
if not found:
    search the module_or_package_source in `sys.path`
    if not found:
        raise an ImportError
    create a `module` instance from the module_or_package_source 
    # -> imply executing the top-level source code, which may raise anything
    store the `module` instance in `sys.modules`
bind the `module` name (or whatever name was imported from it) in the current namespace


except NameError, e:
    print "name 're' is not yet defined in the module's namespace"
    print "module namespace : %s" % globals()

import re
print "name 're' is now defined in the module's namespace"
print "module namespace : %s" % globals()

def foo():
    except NameError, e:
        print "name 'os' is not yet defined in the function's namespace"
        print "function namespace : %s" % locals()
        print "name 'os' is not defined in the module's namespace neither"
        print "module namespace : %s" % globals()

    import os
    print "name 'os' is now defined in the function's namespace"
    print "function namespace : %s" % locals()
    print "name 'os' is still not defined in the module's namespace"
    print "module namespace : %s" % globals()


print "After calling foo(), name 'os' is still not defined in the module's namespace"
print "module namespace : %s" % globals()

class Foo(object):
    except NameError, e:
        print "name 'os' is not yet defined in the class namespace"
        print "but we cannot inspect this namespace now so you have to take me on words"
        print "but if you read the code you'll notice we can only get there if we have a NameError, so we have an indirect proof at least ;)"
        print "name 'os' is not defined in the module's namespace neither obvisouly"
        print "module namespace : %s" % globals()

    import os
    print "name 'os' is now defined in the class namespace"
    print "we still cannot inspect this namespace now but wait..."
    print "name 'os' is still not defined in the module's namespace neither"
    print "module namespace : %s" % globals()

print "class namespace is now accessible via Foo.__dict__"
print "Foo.__dict__ is %s" % (Foo.__dict__)
print "'os' is now an attribute of Foo - Foo.os = %s" % Foo.os
print "name 'os' is still not defined in the module's namespace"
print "module namespace : %s" % globals()
于 2013-10-10T10:32:48.373 回答


if some_condition:
    import foo



于 2013-10-10T09:44:55.927 回答

首次导入模块时,Python 会搜索该模块,如果找到,它会创建一个模块对象。


系统内存总是受到限制 - 如果在极少数情况下满足模块的上述条件的可能性很高,则根据条件检查导入是有意义的。


import module1 
import module2

def foo1()
def foo2()


def foo1()
    import module1 
def foo2()
    import module2

如果 python 模块足够简单,那么将它们包含在文件的顶部是有意义的——这样,阅读代码的任何其他人也可以预先了解当前代码使用的所有模块。

于 2013-10-10T09:56:12.700 回答


但是,由于 animport执行模块的代码,它可能是一项昂贵的操作,因此您有时会看到函数内部的导入。NLTK是一个臭名昭著的沉重模块,所以当我使用它时,我有时会这样做

def _tokenize(text):
    import nltk
    return nltk.word_tokenize(text)

def process_some_text(text):
    if isinstance(text, basestring):
        text = _tokenize(text)
    # now do the actual processing


于 2013-10-10T09:57:36.113 回答

You can put it anywhere in the file before you use it. You should not normally put it in loops, (as it will not do quite what you expect) but may put it in conditionals. As the imported modules initialisation code is executed you might save a bit of time by only loading it if you know that you will need it.

You may put it within functions but if in function then it will only be in scope within that function. e.g.

>>> def f1():
...    import sys
...    print sys.version
>>> def f2():
...    print sys.version
>>> f2()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in f2
NameError: global name 'sys' is not defined
>>> f1()
2.5.4 (r254:67916, Dec 23 2008, 15:10:54) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
>>> f2()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in f2
NameError: global name 'sys' is not defined

A good convention to follow is to put it at the top of the files so that it is always available and easy to find.

You may also find, especially for testing package components that you may need to modify sys.path prior to some imports so that should be imported early.

A convention I personally find useful is to have all your system imports first then project package imports then local imports with appropriate comments between them.

If you import modulename, from module import submodule or import module as alias then import order should make no major difference but if you from module import * then all bets are off as various modules can define the same name and the last will be what you get - this is just one of the reasons that it is discouraged.

于 2013-10-10T09:59:00.590 回答