I know that in Team Foundation Service (https://somename.visualstudio.com, not Team Foundation Server) allow user can create a Git project integrate with work item, task and so on. But I'm going to install my own Team Foundation Server on local, but using Git as version controlling. I would like to integrate git master branch with my Work Item, Task, but my developer can edit and commit changes, then I can view which code was changed and related to some items as well as TFService do. Please give some suggestion. Thanks.


1 回答 1


您在 TF 服务中看到的 Git 功能已添加到 TFS 2013 版本中的本地 TFS。您可以立即下载并安装 TFS 2013 RC,RTM 版本应该会在接下来的几周内发布。

于 2013-10-11T04:47:46.690 回答