Is there any way I can query the image from SalesForce server as a blob object ? We already have forcetk client queries which is retrieving all the data, but the image alone is returned as a link (salesforce link).

Can we retrieve image as blob in the same REST query call ?

The methods I saw required to make an extra call to fetch images, but here I have images in each row of the result, it would have been better if images come as a part of result object itself.


1 回答 1


如果您使用的是 REST API,则无法将 blob 数据与对象的其余部分一起返回,它必须是单独的请求。如果您使用 SOAP,那么它可以将 blob 数据与对象的其余字段内联,但仅限于一次返回一行。

于 2013-10-10T21:05:59.113 回答