我目前正在开发一个程序,并在尝试执行 for 循环时遇到错误。我想在for循环中声明一个变量,然后一旦该变量获得某个值就中断,但它返回错误“无法解析为变量”。
int i = -1;
for (; i == -1; i = index)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Please enter your first and last name");
String name = scan.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter the cost of your car,"
+ "\nthe down payment, annual interest rate,"
+ "\nand the number of years the car is being"
+ "\nfinanced, in that order.");
DecimalFormat usd = new DecimalFormat("'$'0.00");
double cost = scan.nextDouble();
double rate = scan.nextDouble();
int years = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println(name + ","
+ "\nyour car costs " + usd.format(cost) + ","
+ "\nwith an interest rate of " + usd.format(rate) + ","
+ "\nand will be financed annually for " + years + " years."
+ "\nIs this correct?");
String input = scan.nextLine();
int index = (input.indexOf('y'));