I'm fairly new to C# (and programming in general) so stick with me if I make any huge errors or talk complete bull. So what I'm trying to do is have a private void that resizes the background image of a button. I send the name of the button to the private void via a string. Anyway, the code looks something like this:


protected void ButtonResize(string Button)
        string ButNaam = "btn" + Button;
        Button Butnaam = new Button();
        Butnaam.Text = ButNaam;

        if (Butnaam.BackgroundImage == null)
            var bm = new Bitmap(Butnaam.BackgroundImage, new Size(Butnaam.Width, Butnaam.Height));
            Butnaam.BackgroundImage = bm;

But it doesn't work like that. I can't seem to find a way to declare a new object named the value I have in a string. What I want my code to do is instead of making a button called "Butnaam", I want it to create a button called btnZwaard (the value of the string Butnaam).

How do I tell C# I want the value of the variable to be the name of a new button, not literally what I type?

Thanks in advance.


2 回答 2


你在寻找这样的东西吗?通过将 传递Button给方法,您可以对对象进行操作。如果这是您正在寻找的内容,那么您应该阅读传递引用类型参数

protected void ButtonResize(Button button)
        if (button != null && button.BackgroundImage != null)
            button.BackgroundImage = new Bitmap(button.BackgroundImage, new Size(newWidth, newHeight));
于 2013-10-09T18:02:29.717 回答

字符串是一段文本。您随后将其称为 a class,这是错误的。假设它是正确的,您创建一个新按钮而不是“调整其图像大小”。


编辑:顺便说一句,这似乎不是学习语言的好起点。请找到一个很好的 C# 在线教程(例如一个 hello world 应用程序)。

于 2013-10-09T17:53:08.113 回答