gluster volume heal myvol info heal-failed
我得到了一大堆条目。这是正常的吗?还有其他人在他们的 glusterfs 实施中看到了这一点吗?如果是这样,你如何解决这个问题?
gluster volume heal myvol info heal-failed
我得到了一大堆条目。这是正常的吗?还有其他人在他们的 glusterfs 实施中看到了这一点吗?如果是这样,你如何解决这个问题?
List of entries from "gluster volume heal myvol info heal-failed" can be real failure or it could just list the entries which self-heal-daemon failed to self-heal in that crawl.
Gradually the file/directory which is listed under "heal-failed" entry would be self-healed by self-heal-daemon.
It is normal to see heal-failed entries.