Hi I have an automated system setup for twillio. When ever anyone texts our number we automatically respond with a thank you text. However we would like that text to be the only text that goes out. Currently if someone texts the number again responding to our thank you text, they get the same text response back. Since it's setup to trigger with any incoming sms text message. Does anyone know how to set this to just STOP after the first sms response on our part?
390 次
2 回答
这不是一个真正的 twilio 问题,但对于您收到的每个文本,您需要将数字存储在某种数据库中,并针对该表进行查找以检查是否应该发送回复。
您将无法仅使用 twiml 来执行此操作,您需要使用您选择的语言添加一些自定义代码。
于 2013-10-08T19:42:50.590 回答
from_number = request.POST.get('From', '')
if not from_number_exists in table:
send sms
于 2016-11-25T11:46:38.127 回答