这是 PhysicsJS 的作者提出的解决方案:http:
* PhysicsJS by Jasper Palfree <wellcaffeinated.net>
* http://wellcaffeinated.net/PhysicsJS
* Simple Spin example for PhysicsJS
var viewWidth = 500;
var viewHeight = 300;
var renderer = Physics.renderer('canvas', {
el: 'viewport',
width: viewWidth,
height: viewHeight,
meta: false, // don't display meta data
styles: {
// set colors for the circle bodies
'circle' : {
strokeStyle: 'hsla(60, 37%, 17%, 1)',
lineWidth: 1,
fillStyle: 'hsla(60, 37%, 57%, 0.8)',
angleIndicator: 'hsla(60, 37%, 17%, 0.4)'
// add the renderer
world.add( renderer );
// render on each step
world.subscribe('step', function(){
// bounds of the window
var viewportBounds = Physics.aabb(0, 0, viewWidth, viewHeight);
// constrain objects to these bounds
world.add(Physics.behavior('edge-collision-detection', {
aabb: viewportBounds,
restitution: 0.99,
cof: 0.99
Physics.body('wheel', 'circle', function( parent ){
return {
// no need for an init
// spin the wheel at desired speed
spin: function( speed ){
// the wheels are spinning...
this.state.angular.vel = speed;
var myWheel = Physics.body('wheel', {
x: 40,
y: 30,
radius: 45
// Not a hack
myWheel.view = new Image();
myWheel.view.src = 'http://www.large-icons.com/stock-icons/free-large-twitter/round_button-icon.gif';
world.add( myWheel );
// for example, use jquery to listen for a button click, and spin the wheel on the next step
$('button').on('click', function(){
// wait for the next step before spinning the wheel
world.subscribe('step', function( data ){
myWheel.spin( 0.03 );
// only execute callback once
world.unsubscribe( 'step', data.handler );
// ensure objects bounce when edge collision is detected
world.add( Physics.behavior('body-impulse-response') );
// add some gravity
world.add( Physics.behavior('constant-acceleration') );
// subscribe to ticker to advance the simulation
Physics.util.ticker.subscribe(function( time, dt ){
world.step( time );
// start the ticker