我有以下代码。我有一个数量文本框和价格文本框。我需要将价格乘以数量以在特定项目的列表框中显示总计。列表框在最后得到总计。这作为一个静态数组工作得很好,但我必须允许用户输入不同的价格和数量。我在中间提供了我认为可能有效但无效的代码。我错了什么?''''''''''''PriceTextBox.Text = PriceTextBox * QuantityTextBox.Text'''''''''''''
Public Class form1
'Module level declarations
Structure Product
Dim ProductIDString As String
Dim DescriptionString As String
Dim QuantityInteger As Integer
Dim PriceDecimal As Decimal
Dim W As IO.StreamWriter
End Structure
Private NumberProductsInteger As Integer = 38
Private InventoryProduct(NumberProductsInteger) As Product
Private TotalDueDecimal As Decimal 'total due for a customer
'Array to store the total sales for each product
Private ProductSalesTotalDecimal(NumberProductsInteger) As Decimal
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PurchaseBtn.Click
'Test to determine if a product was found.
If DescriptionTextBox.Text = String.Empty Then
'Cannot purchase, product was not found
MessageBox.Show("You must select a valid product before purchasing.", "Cannot Purchase", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
'Can purchase the product
'Build a string to display in the listbox control
Dim ProductString As String = ProductIDTextBox.Text & " " & DescriptionTextBox.Text & " " & QuantityTextBox.Text & " " & PriceTextBox.Text
'Accumulate the total value of this customer order
'and display it to the output textbox
''''''''''''PriceTextBox.Text = PriceTextBox * QuantityTextBox.Text'''''''''''''
TotalDueDecimal += Decimal.Parse(PriceTextBox.Text, Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency)
TotalDueTextBox.Text = TotalDueDecimal.ToString("C2")
'Accumulate total sales by product to an array
Dim IndexInteger As Integer = ProductIDComboBox.SelectedIndex
ProductSalesTotalDecimal(IndexInteger) += Decimal.Parse(PriceTextBox.Text, Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency)
'Here you can clear the form of product info if you think
'that is a good way to do the processing
ProductIDComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1
End If
End Sub
'Module level declarations
Dim ProductIDString As String
Dim DescriptionString As String
Dim QuantityInteger As Integer
Dim PriceDecimal As Double
Dim Cost As Double
Dim W As IO.StreamWriter
Public Sub New(PID As String, Desc As String, Qty As Integer, Price As Double)
ProductIDString = PID
DescriptionString = Desc
QuantityInteger = Qty
PriceDecimal = Price
Cost = Qty * Price
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return ProductIDString & " " & DescriptionString & " " & QuantityInteger.ToString & " " & PriceDecimal.ToString("C2") & " " & Cost.ToString("C2")
End Function
End Structure
Dim Products As New List(Of Product)
' New Product("test1", "Test1a", 10, 1.5),
' NewProduct("test2", "test2a", 20, 2.25)
' PurchaseListBox.DataSource = Products
' TotalDueTextBox.Text = Products.Sum(Function(x) x.Cost).ToString("C2")
Public Sub UpdateLB()
PurchaseListBox.DataSource = Nothing
PurchaseListBox.DataSource = Products
TotalDueTextBox.Text = Products.Sum(Function(x) x.Cost).ToString("C2")
End Sub
Private NumberProductsInteger As Integer = 38
Private InventoryProduct(NumberProductsInteger) As Product
Private TotalDueDecimal As Decimal 'total due for a customer
Private Property W As IO.StreamWriter
Private ProductSalesTotalDecimal(NumberProductsInteger) As Decimal 'Array to store the total sales for each product
Private Sub BookStore1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.TimeDateLBL.Text = CStr(Date.Now)
'Initialize values - InventoryProduct array
InventoryProduct(0).ProductIDString = "102-1091" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(0).DescriptionString = "2x4-92 & Chr(96) 5/8 SPF STUD" & vbTab & vbTab
'InventoryProduct(0).QuantityInteger =
' InventoryProduct(0).PriceDecimal = 65.55D
InventoryProduct(1).ProductIDString = "102-1127" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(1).DescriptionString = "2x4-12' #2 &BTR SPF CONSTR LUMB" & Space(33)
'InventoryProduct(1).QuantityInteger = 15
'InventoryProduct(1).PriceDecimal = 18.99D
InventoryProduct(2).ProductIDString = "102-1130" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(2).DescriptionString = "2x4-14' #2&BTR SPF CONSTR LUMB" & Space(35)
' InventoryProduct(2).QuantityInteger = 25
' InventoryProduct(2).PriceDecimal = 25.99D
InventoryProduct(3).ProductIDString = "102-1143" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(3).DescriptionString = "2x4-16' 5/8 #2&BTR SPF CONSTR LUMB" & Space(27)
' InventoryProduct(3).QuantityInteger = 8
'InventoryProduct(3).PriceDecimal = 5.49D
InventoryProduct(4).ProductIDString = "102-1305" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(4).DescriptionString = "2x4-104 5/8 SPF STUD" & Space(64)
' InventoryProduct(4).QuantityInteger = 15
' InventoryProduct(4).PriceDecimal = 35.5D
InventoryProduct(5).ProductIDString = "102-1758" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(5).DescriptionString = "2x6-8' STD/#2&BTR SPF CONSTR LUMB" & Space(33)
' InventoryProduct(5).QuantityInteger = 25
' InventoryProduct(5).PriceDecimal = 22.99D
InventoryProduct(6).ProductIDString = "102-1774" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(6).DescriptionString = "2x6-12' #2&BTR SPF CONSTR LUMB" & Space(33)
' InventoryProduct(6).QuantityInteger = 50
' InventoryProduct(6).PriceDecimal = 85D
InventoryProduct(7).ProductIDString = "102-1923" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(7).DescriptionString = "2x8-16' #2&BTR SPF CONSTR LUMB"
' InventoryProduct(7).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(7).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(8).ProductIDString = "102-2184" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(8).DescriptionString = "2x12-16' #2&BTR SPF CONSTR LUMB "
' InventoryProduct(8).QuantityInteger = 75
'InventoryProduct(8).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(9).ProductIDString = "106-1501" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(9).DescriptionString = "1-3/4x11-7/8 10' LVL"
'InventoryProduct(9).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(9).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(10).ProductIDString = "106-2089" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(10).DescriptionString = "1-3/4x11-7/8 10' LVL"
' InventoryProduct(10).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(10).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(11).ProductIDString = "106-2115" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(11).DescriptionString = "1-3/4x14 14' LVL"
' InventoryProduct(11).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(11).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(12).ProductIDString = "106-2144" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(12).DescriptionString = "1-3/4x14 18' LVL"
' InventoryProduct(12).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(12).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(13).ProductIDString = "106-2209" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(13).DescriptionString = "1-3/4x14 26' 20' LVL"
' InventoryProduct(13).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(13).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(14).ProductIDString = "106-6742" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(14).DescriptionString = "2-1/2X14-18' I Joist NI-60/PRi-60"
' InventoryProduct(14).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(14).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(15).ProductIDString = "106-6768" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(15).DescriptionString = "2-1/2X14-18' I Joist NI-60/PRi-60"
' InventoryProduct(15).QuantityInteger = 75
'InventoryProduct(15).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(16).ProductIDString = "106-6807" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(16).DescriptionString = "2-1/2X14-24' I Joist NI-60/PRi-60"
' InventoryProduct(16).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(16).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(17).ProductIDString = "106-8106" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(17).DescriptionString = "2-1/2X14-12' I Joist RIM BOARD"
' InventoryProduct(17).QuantityInteger = 75
'InventoryProduct(17).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(18).ProductIDString = "111-0834" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(18).DescriptionString = "2x4-12' AC2 TREATED AG LIFETIME WTY"
' InventoryProduct(18).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(18).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(19).ProductIDString = "111-0847" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(19).DescriptionString = "2x4-14' AC2 TREATED AG LIFETIME WTY"""
' InventoryProduct(19).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(19).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(20).ProductIDString = "124-2728" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(20).DescriptionString = "7/16 (14/32)-4 XB OSB 3-WHITE STRIPES"
'InventoryProduct(20).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(20).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(21).ProductIDString = "124-2809" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(21).DescriptionString = "1/2 (16/32)-4 XB OSB 2-WHITE BLAK STRIPES" & Space(17)
' InventoryProduct(21).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(21).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(22).ProductIDString = "124-2867" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(22).DescriptionString = "3/4 (23/32)-4 XB OSB T&G 5-WHITE STRIPES"
' InventoryProduct(22).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(22).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(23).ProductIDString = "131-1248" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(23).DescriptionString = "1/2x4'-12' GYPsum 78LBL"
' InventoryProduct(23).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(23).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(24).ProductIDString = "131-1256" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(24).DescriptionString = "1/2x4'-8' MOLD/MR 78LBL"
' InventoryProduct(24).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(24).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(25).ProductIDString = "131-1259" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(25).DescriptionString = "5/8x4'-8' MOLD/MR TYPR X 105LBL"
' InventoryProduct(25).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(25).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(26).ProductIDString = "131-1303" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(26).DescriptionString = "5/8X4-12' GYPS PC TYPE X 105LBL"
' InventoryProduct(26).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(26).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(27).ProductIDString = "131-2454" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(27).DescriptionString = "8' METAL 1-1/4 CORNERBEAD"
' InventoryProduct(27).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(27).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(28).ProductIDString = "131-2726" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(28).DescriptionString = "ALL PURPOSE PALE-BLACK 7GAL"
' InventoryProduct(28).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(28).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(29).ProductIDString = "131-2849" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(29).DescriptionString = "EZ SAND 90 18#"
' InventoryProduct(29).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(29).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(30).ProductIDString = "131-2881" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(30).DescriptionString = "SPRAY-TEXTURE MEDIUM 40#"
' InventoryProduct(30).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(30).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(31).ProductIDString = "131-3097" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(31).DescriptionString = "PROROC JOINT TAPE 250'"
' InventoryProduct(31).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(31).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(32).ProductIDString = "165-0372" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(32).DescriptionString = "M/H208 ANJ COLUMN 3INCH DIAM -8'4"
' InventoryProduct(32).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(32).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(33).ProductIDString = "227-1442" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(33).DescriptionString = "NAIL 1-1/2 JOIST HANGER 5LB GALV"
' InventoryProduct(33).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(33).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(34).ProductIDString = "228-3142" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(34).DescriptionString = "JOIST HNGR TM 2.5X14 THO54140"
' InventoryProduct(34).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(34).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(35).ProductIDString = "229-1202" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(35).DescriptionString = "NAIL 8D V.C. SINKERS 50LBL BOX"
' InventoryProduct(35).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(35).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(36).ProductIDString = "229-1244" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(36).DescriptionString = "NAIL 16D V.C. SINKERS 50LBL BOX"""
' InventoryProduct(36).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(36).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
InventoryProduct(37).ProductIDString = "229-1303" & vbTab
InventoryProduct(37).DescriptionString = "NAIL 16D GALVANZED BOX 50LBL BOX"""
' InventoryProduct(37).QuantityInteger = 75
' InventoryProduct(37).PriceDecimal = 79.4D
End Sub
Private Sub SearchButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SearchButton.Click
'Search the ProductIDString property of the inventoryProduct
'array to see if the value of ProductIDTextBox matches an ID
'in the array
'Start variables to control the search
Dim FoundBoolean As Boolean = False 'Control how long to search
Dim RowInteger As Integer = 0 'Current row in the search
'Loop to do the search
Do Until FoundBoolean = True Or RowInteger > NumberProductsInteger
'Compare textBox to array
If ProductIDTextBox.Text = InventoryProduct(RowInteger).ProductIDString Then
'found a match - display other data to the readonly textboxes
ProductIDComboBox.SelectedItem = ProductIDTextBox.Text
DescriptionTextBox.Text = InventoryProduct(RowInteger).DescriptionString
QuantityTextBox.Text = InventoryProduct(RowInteger).QuantityInteger.ToString
PriceTextBox.Text = InventoryProduct(RowInteger).PriceDecimal.ToString("C2")
'change variable to indicate we have a match
FoundBoolean = True
'no match yet
RowInteger += 1
End If
'After the search determine if the ProductID was found
If FoundBoolean = False Then 'no match was found
'Clear the textbox controls that display product information
'except for the ProductID textbox
ProductIDComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1
'Display message that the ProductID is not valid
MessageBox.Show("Reenter a valid SKU Product ID.", "Invalid Identifier", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PurchaseToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PurchaseToolStripMenuItem.Click
'Test to determine if a product was found.
If DescriptionTextBox.Text = String.Empty Then
'Cannot purchase, product was not found
MessageBox.Show("You must select a valid product before purchasing.", "Cannot Purchase", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
'Can purchase the product
'Build a string to display in the listbox control
Dim ProductString As String = ProductIDTextBox.Text & " - " & DescriptionTextBox.Text & " - " & PriceTextBox.Text
'Accumulate the total value of this customer order
'and display it to the output textbox
TotalDueDecimal += Decimal.Parse(PriceTextBox.Text, Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency)
TotalDueTextBox.Text = TotalDueDecimal.ToString("C2")
'Accumulate total sales by product to an array
Dim IndexInteger As Integer = ProductIDComboBox.SelectedIndex
ProductSalesTotalDecimal(IndexInteger) += Decimal.Parse(PriceTextBox.Text, Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency)
'Here you can clear the form of product info if you think
'that is a good way to do the processing
ProductIDComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ResetToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ResetToolStripMenuItem.Click
'Clear all text box and combobox controls
ProductIDComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1
' TotalDueTextBox.Clear()
'Clear the list box control
'Reset the total due module-level variable to zero
TotalDueDecimal = 0
'Set the focus to the product ID text box
End Sub
Private Sub SearchToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SearchToolStripMenuItem.Click
'Call the Click event for theSearch button control
End Sub
Private Sub AboutToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AboutToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim MessageString As String = "Version 1 John Burtons Building Cost Estimater" & ControlChars.NewLine & "Today's date/time: " & Date.Now
Dim TitleString As String = "About Version 1"
MessageBox.Show(MessageString, TitleString, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End Sub
Private Sub ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ExitToolStripMenuItem.Click
'Close the form
End Sub
Private Sub ProductIDComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ProductIDComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged
'Test to determine if a product has been selected
If ProductIDComboBox.SelectedIndex <> -1 Then
'Store the selectedIndex to variable
Dim RowInteger As Integer = ProductIDComboBox.SelectedIndex
'Based on RowInteger, display values to TextBox controls
'from the array named inventoryProduct
ProductIDTextBox.Text = InventoryProduct(RowInteger).ProductIDString
DescriptionTextBox.Text = InventoryProduct(RowInteger).DescriptionString
QuantityTextBox.Text = InventoryProduct(RowInteger).QuantityInteger.ToString("N0")
PriceTextBox.Text = InventoryProduct(RowInteger).PriceDecimal.ToString("C2")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TotalSalesByProductToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TotalSalesByProductToolStripMenuItem.Click
'Display output to immediate window
Dim RowInteger As Integer
Dim SalesString As String = "ProductID" & vbTab & "Dollar Sales" & vbCrLf
For Each ProductItem As Product In InventoryProduct
'Build string to display
SalesString &= ProductItem.ProductIDString & vbTab & vbTab & ProductSalesTotalDecimal(RowInteger).ToString("C2") & vbCrLf
'Increment RowInteger
RowInteger += 1
'Display string to a MessageBox
MessageBox.Show(SalesString, "Sales for all Products", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End Sub
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PurchaseBtn.Click
'Test to determine if a product was found.
If DescriptionTextBox.Text = String.Empty Then
'Cannot purchase, product was not found
MessageBox.Show("You must select a valid product before purchasing.", "Cannot Purchase", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
'Can purchase the product
'Build a string to display in the listbox control
Dim ProductString As String = ProductIDTextBox.Text & " " & DescriptionTextBox.Text & " " & QuantityTextBox.Text & " " & PriceTextBox.Text
' Dim Total As Double
' For i = 0 To PurchaseListBox.Items.Count
'Total += Convert.ToDouble(PriceTextBox.Items.Item(i)) * Convert.ToDouble(QuantityTextBox.Items.Item(i))
' Next i
' Debug.WriteLine(Total)
'Accumulate the total value of this customer order
'and display it to the output textbox
TotalDueDecimal += Decimal.Parse(PriceTextBox.Text, Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency)
TotalDueTextBox.Text = Products.Sum(Function(x) x.Cost).ToString("C2")
' TotalDueTextBox.Text = TotalDueDecimal.ToString("C2")
'Accumulate total sales by product to an array
Dim IndexInteger As Integer = ProductIDComboBox.SelectedIndex
ProductSalesTotalDecimal(IndexInteger) += Decimal.Parse(PriceTextBox.Text, Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency)
'Here you can clear the form of product info if you think
'that is a good way to do the processing
ProductIDComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SaveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles SaveAsToolStripMenuItem.Click
sFile.InitialDirectory = ("C:\")
sFile.FileName = ("Save As...")
sFile.Filter = ("Only Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt")
Dim W As New IO.StreamWriter(sFile.FileName, True) ' notes from class need messgbox
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To PurchaseListBox.Items.Count - 1
Dim L As New IO.StreamWriter(sFile.FileName, True)
' Next
' Dim L As New IO.StreamWriter(sFile.FileName)
' For i = 0 To TotalDueTextBox.Items.Count - 1
End Sub
Private Sub PriceTextBox_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PriceTextBox.TextChanged
End Sub
' Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
'Dim num1, num2, product As Decimal
' num1 = PriceTextBox.Text
' num2 = QuantityTextBox.Text
' product = num1 * num2
' TextBox3.Text = product
' PriceTextBox.Text = TextBox3.Text
' End Sub