name and grade are read into a temporary location
loop from the end of the filled part of the array down to beginning {
if (new last name < current last name) {
copy current name and grade down
else if (new/current last names are equal and new first name < current first name) {
copy/assign current name and grade down
else {
found right place, break out of loop
now that you've made room, insert (copy) new name into correct sorted position
我看到我可能通过尝试读取数组位置 [-1] 来打破数组界限,但我想不出一种方法来避免这种情况,因为我从我拥有的项目数量倒数并且必须比较它们.
我正在从文本文件中读取行并将每行的片段存储到一个结构中。然后我使用插入排序算法按字母顺序存储结构。但是,我的数组似乎没有填充前几行,而新行只是覆盖了前几行......好像我的一个比较测试失败了,因为我的复制位置似乎从未改变,尽管这可能是因为初始数组填充以某种方式失败。我觉得很愚蠢,我一定错过了一些简单的东西......而且我的 DisplayList 模块显然从来没有得到一个填充了任何东西的数组。我是否以不正确的方式更改数组?
bool sortInput(ifstream &infile, StudentType students[], int size)
StudentType temp;
int copyToHere;
if(size == 0)
infile >> temp.last >> temp.first >> temp.grade;
strcpy(students[0].last, temp.last);
strcpy(students[0].first, temp.first);
students[0].grade = temp.grade;
infile >> temp.last >> temp.first >> temp.grade;
//cout << "TEST" << temp.last << temp.first << temp.grade << endl;
for(int i = size; i > 0; i--)
if(strcmp(temp.last, students[i-1].last) < 0)
students[i] = students[i-1];
students[i-1] = temp;
else if(strcmp(temp.last, students[i].last) == 0 && strcmp(temp.first, students[i].first) < 0)
students[i] = students[i-1];
copyToHere = i;
cout << "Size = " << size << " and copy position = " << copyToHere << endl;
students[copyToHere] = temp;
//test to see if array is populated properly
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
cout << "Name is " << students[i].first << " " << students[i].last << " and grade is " << students[i].grade << endl;
cout << "DONE" << endl;
} //end while loop
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// You write meaningful doxygen comments and assumptions
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int const MAXSIZE = 100; // maximum number of records in total
int const MAXLENGTH = 31; // maximum string length
int const MAXGRADE = 100; // highest possible grade
int const LOWGRADE = 0; // lowest possible grade
int const GROUP = 10; // group amount
struct StudentType { // information of one student
int grade; // the grade of the student
char last[MAXLENGTH]; // last name (MAXLENGTH-1 at most)
char first[MAXLENGTH]; // first name (MAXLENGTH-1 at most)
// prototypes go here
bool sortInput(ifstream &, StudentType [], int);
void displayList(StudentType [], int);
//------------------------------- main ----------------------------------------
int main() {
StudentType students[MAXSIZE]; // list of MAXSIZE number of students
int size = 0; // total number of students
int histogram[HISTOGRAMSIZE]; // grades grouped by GROUP
int average = 0; // average exam score, truncated
// creates file object and opens the data file
ifstream infile("data1.txt");
if (!infile) {
cout << "File could not be opened." << endl;
return 1;
// read and sort input by last then first name
bool successfulRead = sortInput(infile, students, size);
// display list, histogram, and class average
if (successfulRead) {
displayList(students, size);
// setHistogram(... you figure parameters ...);
// displayHistogram(... you figure parameters ...);
// average = findAverage(... you figure parameters ...);
cout << "Average grade: " << average << endl << endl;
return 0;
bool sortInput(ifstream &infile, StudentType students[], int size)
StudentType temp;
int copyToHere;
if(size == 0)
infile >> temp.last >> temp.first >> temp.grade;
strcpy(students[0].last, temp.last);
strcpy(students[0].first, temp.first);
students[0].grade = temp.grade;
infile >> temp.last >> temp.first >> temp.grade;
//cout << "TEST" << temp.last << temp.first << temp.grade << endl;
for(int i = size; i > 0; i--)
if(strcmp(temp.last, students[i-1].last) < 0)
students[i] = students[i-1];
students[i-1] = temp;
else if(strcmp(temp.last, students[i].last) == 0 && strcmp(temp.first, students[i].first) < 0)
students[i] = students[i-1];
copyToHere = i;
cout << "Size = " << size << " and copy position = " << copyToHere << endl;
students[copyToHere] = temp;
//test to see if array is populated properly
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
cout << "Name is " << students[i].first << " " << students[i].last << " and grade is " << students[i].grade << endl;
cout << "DONE" << endl;
} //end while loop
return true;
void displayList(StudentType students[], int size)
cout << "List of names sorted:" << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
cout << " " << students[i].grade << " " << students[i].last << " " << students[i].first << endl;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// functions with meaningful doxygen comments and assumptions go here