到目前为止,我已经创建了一个解析方法和一个渲染方法。parse 方法只获取字符串,并从中解析颜色,它们的格式如下:“§a这是绿色§r这是白色”(是的,它是 Minecraft)。所以这就是我的字体模块的样子:
# Imports from pillow
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
# Load the fonts
font_regular = ImageFont.truetype("static/font/regular.ttf", 24)
font_bold = ImageFont.truetype("static/font/bold.ttf", 24)
font_italics = ImageFont.truetype("static/font/italics.ttf", 24)
font_bold_italics = ImageFont.truetype("static/font/bold-italics.ttf", 24)
max_height = 21 # 9, from FONT_HEIGHT in FontRederer in MC source, multiplied by
# 3, because each virtual pixel in the font is 3 real pixels
# This number is also returned by:
# font_regular.getsize("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")[1]
# Create the color codes
colorCodes = [0] * 32 # Empty array, 32 slots
# This is ported from the original MC java source:
for i in range(0, 32):
j = int((i >> 3 & 1) * 85)
k = int((i >> 2 & 1) * 170 + j)
l = int((i >> 1 & 1) * 170 + j)
i1 = int((i >> 0 & 1) * 170 + j)
if i == 6:
k += 85
if i >= 16:
k = int(k/4)
l = int(l/4)
i1 = int(i1/4)
colorCodes[i] = (k & 255) << 16 | (l & 255) << 8 | i1 & 255
def _get_colour(c):
''' Get the RGB-tuple for the color
Color can be a string, one of the chars in: 0123456789abcdef
or an int in range 0 to 15, including 15
if type(c) == str:
if c == 'r':
c = int('f', 16)
c = int(c, 16)
c = colorCodes[c]
return ( c >> 16 , c >> 8 & 255 , c & 255 )
def _get_shadow(c):
''' Get the shadow RGB-tuple for the color
Color can be a string, one of the chars in: 0123456789abcdefr
or an int in range 0 to 15, including 15
if type(c) == str:
if c == 'r':
c = int('f', 16)
c = int(c, 16)
return _get_colour(c+16)
def _get_font(bold, italics):
font = font_regular
if bold and italics:
font = font_bold_italics
elif bold:
font = font_bold
elif italics:
font = font_italics
return font
def parse(message):
''' Parse the message in a format readable by render
this will return a touple like this:
so if you where to send it directly to the rederer you have to do this:
render(pos, parse(message), drawer)
result = []
lastColour = 'r'
total_width = 0
bold = False
italics = False
for i in range(0,len(message)):
if message[i] == '§':
elif message[i-1] == '§':
if message[i] in "01234567890abcdef":
lastColour = message[i]
if message[i] == 'l':
bold = True
if message[i] == 'o':
italics = True
if message[i] == 'r':
bold = False
italics = False
lastColour = message[i]
width, height = _get_font(bold, italics).getsize(message[i])
total_width += width
result.append(((width, height), lastColour, bold, italics, message[i]))
return result
def get_width(message):
''' Calculate the width of the message
The message has to be in the format returned by the parse function
return sum([i[0][0] for i in message])
def render(pos, message, drawer):
''' Render the message to the drawer
The message has to be in the format returned by the parse function
x = pos[0]
y = pos[1]
for i in message:
(width, height), colour, bold, italics, char = i
font = _get_font(bold, italics)
drawer.text((x+3, y+3+(max_height-height)), char, fill=_get_shadow(colour), font=font)
drawer.text((x, y+(max_height-height)), char, fill=_get_colour(colour), font=font)
x += width
它确实有效,但是应该在字体底线以下的字符,如 g、y 和 q,被渲染在底线上,所以看起来很奇怪,这是一个例子: