我可以在 JavaScript 中定义另一个变量的同时设置一个变量的值吗?

    $scope.modal.data = {};
    $scope.modal.submitDisabled = true



1 回答 1


If those two fields are the only properties (NB: not "variables") of modal, then sure, you can completely overwrite $scope.modal in one operation:

$scope.modal = {data: {}, submitDisabled: true};

If you have other fields within modal that you want to preserve, then no, don't bother - you'll be making your code harder to read.

That said, if you're using AngularJS ($scope suggests you might be) you can also do:

angular.extend($scope, { data: {}, submitDisabled: true} );

which copies the new properties into $scope without removing any other properties.

于 2013-10-05T14:33:09.497 回答