嵌套在父类别中的子类别不会在 Meteor 模板中呈现。
// Model Schema
Category {
idCategory : 20, (id of the category itself)
idCategoryParent : 0, (idCategory of our parent category)
defaultLabel : "Movies" (our label)
有父类和子类。父类别的 idCategoryParent 属性值为 0。子类别将其父类别的 idCategory 存储为其 idCategoryParent 属性。我正在尝试遍历这些类别的集合并以下列方式呈现它们:
<b>Movies</b> // parent category is in bold
<ul> // child categories are rendered as an unordered list
<ul> // empty...
// How we get the 'categories_parents' data
Template.content.categories_parents = function (){
* Get all parent categories (categories with an idCategoryParent of 0)
var parents = Categories.find({idCategoryParent:0});
var pCount = parents.count();
for (var i = 0; i < pCount; i++){
var pId = parents.db_objects[i]['idCategory'];
* Get all child categories of the parent (categories with
* an idCategoryParent equal to value of parent category's idCategory).
var children = Categories.find({idCategoryParent:pId});
var cCount = children.count();
* Assign the child categories array as a property of the parent category
* so that we can access it easily in the template #each expression
parents.db_objects[i]['children'] = children;
return parents;
// This is our template
<template name="content">
{{#each categories_parents}}
<b>{{defaultLabel}}</b><br />
{{#each children}}
{{#each children}}
<li>A Child Exists Here</li> // Even this never rendered... no children?