我想将一个单例 EJB 注入我的 POJO 类。使用新的 EJB 3.1 规范,是否可以将 EJB 注入 POJO?我知道在 EJB 3.0 中,@EJB 注释可用于注入 EJB,但这不适用于简单的 POJO。 @javax.inject.Inject也不适合我。

还有一件事是,容器资源和非容器资源有什么区别?我如何实现它,我使用的是 JBoss AS 7.1.1。


2 回答 2


EE 是围绕组件类(EJB、servlet 等)的思想设计的。EE容器只有在控制对象的创建时才能进行注入,这不适用于POJO,所以不能对POJO对象使用EE注入。

要使 CDI 正常工作,您需要添加META-INF/beans.xml到存档中。即使这样,您也无法使用new. 您总是必须让容器创建实例,所以要么@Inject是 POJO,然后@Inject是 EJB,要么使用javax.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanManager.

于 2013-10-04T15:51:11.103 回答

@EJB won't work for you so you have only two options - JNDI lookup or using CDI. Something like

private MyEJB ejb;

should work for you. Also check that you have beans.xml in the WEB-INF folder in order to activate CDI container.

And for the difference - it is almost the same (while it's recommended to use @Inject) with only exception - you still have to use @EJB for injecting remote beans.

Reason why you can't use service = new ServiceClass(); is that service object will not be managed by the container - that means that no injections will be peformed after creation of this class because container is no longer in control of this object. Very naively said, if you do

ServiceClass service;

container will create new instance, then perform injections and return it to you.

于 2013-10-04T11:37:23.313 回答