我为并行应用程序开发人员安装了 eclipse 64 位,并创建了 MPI hello world C 项目和Toolchain:Linux Gcc. 我在我的 ubuntu 12.04 上安装了 mpich2,以便我设置项目设置:

Include Path :/usr/include/mpich2
Library name : mpich
Library search path: /usr/lib/mpich2/lib
MPI compile command : mpicc.mpich2
MPI link command: mpicc.mpich2

我想在本地运行和调试项目,所以我将并行应用程序添加到,Profile Configuratuin但是当我设置Target System Configuration :MPICH2-Generic-interactive并选择本地到时我有启动器错误窗口波纹管connection Type

Failed to create control for the dynamic tab "Basic Options"

Reason:Undefined attribute "noLocalOption" in widgetType


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