好的,你说你有一个二维数组(不是 excel 范围),但没有指定数组的确切形状。所以我必须假设你的二维数组被称为“arr”并且具有以下形式:arr(c,r) as variant
列(1代表“ID1”,2代表“ID2”,3代表“ID3”和4 代表“价值”)。(如果您不遵循这个想法,请参阅“注释 1”和“注释 2”以获得进一步说明)。
tot = 0
For i = LBound(arr, 2) To UBound(arr, 2) ' The "2" in the second paramenter is
' for getting the lower and upper bound
' of the "2nd" dimention of the array
If arr(1, i) = A And arr(2, i) = B And arr(3, i) = C Then
tot = tot + arr(4, i)
End If
Next i
Public Function SumIfMyArray(arr As Variant, A As Variant, _
B As Variant, C As Variant) As Double
Dim i as Long
Dim tot As Double
tot = 0
For i = LBound(arr, 2) To UBound(arr, 2)
If arr(1, i) = A And arr(2, i) = B And arr(3, i) = C Then
tot = tot + arr(4, i) 'Adding the filtered value
End If
Next i
SumIfMyArray = tot 'Returning the calculated sum
End Function
像这样使用它:Debug.Print SumIfMyArray(YouArr, 1, 1, 1)
. 希望这可以帮助。
现在,如果你想拥有一个非常通用的函数来支持不同的标准,同时对列保持灵活,你可以使用下面的代码(注意,我在其他回复中使用 ParamArray)。实际上,该函数可以使用表单中的arr(c,r)
Private Function SumIfConditionsMetArray(ColToAdd As Long, Arr As Variant, _
TypeArrayIsRC As Boolean, _
ParamArray Criteria() As Variant) As Double
' Returns: The sum of values from a column where
' the row match the criteria.
' Parameters:
' 1) Arr: An array in the form of arr(row,col) (
' (like the array passed by an excel range)
' 2) ColToAdd: Index of column you want to add.
' 3) TypeArrayIsRC: 'True' if the array passed if in the
' form of arr(Row,Column) or 'False' if
' the array is in the form arr(Column,Row).
' Note that passing an range as
' arr=range("A1:B3").value , then "true"
' should be used!
' 4) Criteria: a list of criteria you want to use for
' filtering, if you want to skip a column
' from the criteria use "Null" in the
' parameter list.
' Example: Debug.Print SumIfConditionsMetArray(4, data, true, 9, null, 5)
' (It means: sum column 4 of data where 1st column
' match "9" and 3rd column match "5".
' The 2nd column was skipped because of null)
Dim tot As Double
Dim CountCol As Long
Dim r As Long, c As Long
Dim conditionsMet As Boolean
Dim cExtra As Long
Dim DimRow As Long, DimCol As Long
If TypeArrayIsRC Then
DimRow = 1: DimCol = 2
DimRow = 2: DimCol = 1
End If
'Some checking...
If ColToAdd < LBound(Arr, DimCol) Or ColToAdd > UBound(Arr, DimCol) Then
Err.Raise vbError + 9, , "Error in function SumIfConditionsMetArray. ColToAdd is out of the range."
End If
'Correction in case of different array bases..
cExtra = LBound(Arr, DimCol) - LBound(Criteria) 'In case the lower bound were different...
'Limit the last column to check
CountCol = UBound(Criteria)
If CountCol > UBound(Arr, DimCol) - cExtra Then
'Not raising an error, just skip out the extra parameters!
'(Put err.raise if you want an error instead)
CountCol = UBound(Arr, DimCol) - cExtra
End If
On Error GoTo errInFunction
'''' LOOP ''''
Dim A As Long
Dim B As Long
tot = 0
For r = LBound(Arr, DimRow) To UBound(Arr, DimRow)
If TypeArrayIsRC Then
A = r
B = r
End If
conditionsMet = True
For c = LBound(Criteria) To CountCol
If Not IsNull(Criteria(c)) Then
If TypeArrayIsRC Then
B = c + cExtra
A = c + cExtra
End If
If Arr(A, B) <> Criteria(c) Then
conditionsMet = False 'Creteria not met
End If
End If
Next c
If TypeArrayIsRC Then
B = ColToAdd
A = ColToAdd
End If
If conditionsMet Then
tot = tot + Arr(A, B) 'Adding the value
End If
Next r
SumIfConditionsMetArray = tot 'Returning the calculated sum
Exit Function
''' END '''
Err.Raise Err.Number, , "Error in function SumIfConditionsMetArray. Check the parameters are inside the bounds."
End Function
Dim MyArr as variant
MyArr = ActiveSheet.range("A1:G10").Value ' Note: use ".Value" at end
' and not start with "Set"
Debug.Print SumIfConditionsMetArray(4, MyArr, True, 100, null, 100)
' This will add the value of the 4th column, were the row
' has 100 in the first column and 100 in the 3rd column.
问候, 安德烈斯
**注意 1 ** 当数组形式为 时,arr(c,r)
您可以通过在括号内给出坐标来访问任何元素。例如,如果您想访问第 2 行第 4 列的值,您必须编写代码arr(4,2)
并且您将获得 5 的值(前提是您正在测试您的问题的相同示例。在您的第一个表中检查它)。
**注意 2 ** 我有理由arr(c,r)
. redim
原因是因为如果您在最后一个位置有行坐标,那么如果您想使用指令添加更多行会更容易。但是,如果您的 2D 数组来自 excel 范围(例如使用类似的东西arr = range("A3:D6").value
),那么最好在代码中翻转 r 和 c 位置。