I am developing an application in VS2005 which uses Boost 1.54. After messing up with compilations, I decided to download the "alredy baked" VS8.0 Win32 binaries, and there they go.

Now the thing is, the application is being generated with the /MD option, which means, correct me if wrong, that it is being dynamically linked (external dependencies shall be provided in means of DLL files).

I have used Boost::Thread in my application, and it runs fine in my computer. As it is generated with /MD, it is supposed to require DLLs in other computers, isn't it?

However, when asking a peer (who does not work with Boost) to run my app, it simply runs fine. Wasn't it supposed to shout with a DLL missing error?



1 回答 1


/MD是专用于 C 运行时的标志,它与 Boost 无关。默认情况下,我认为 Visual Studio 静态链接 Boost。如果你想动态链接,你需要添加一个标志另外,每当你想检查动态依赖关系时BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK ,我都会推荐优秀的Walker Dependency

于 2013-10-03T05:54:57.273 回答