
Sorry I am new to programming need some kind people who can help me on this...

I have a list of information below i want to use vb script to get just the ip address number string how to do it???

mac address ipaddress name interface flags

00:87:90:65:67:98 vlan.10 none


3 回答 3



strYourInput = "00:87:90:65:67:98 vlan.10 none"
strIP = Split(strYourInput, " ")(1)

基本上,它根据空格字符 (" ") 将输入字符串拆分为一个数组,然后引用索引 1 处的元素(因为数组是零索引的,它实际上是第二个元素)。

于 2013-10-02T16:05:29.170 回答

如果您使用的是 VB.NET,正如您问题上的标签所暗示的那样,您可以使用该String.Split方法,如下所示:

Dim data As String = "00:87:90:65:67:98 vlan.10 none"
Dim fields() As String = data.Split(Nothing)
Dim ipAddress As String = fields(1)

但是,如果您使用的是 VBA 或 VBScript,那就另当别论了……

于 2013-10-02T16:05:35.243 回答

首先,您可能想知道输出的性质。您需要知道如何验证 IP 地址的字符串。

IP 地址的元素将成为您需要测试的条件。

  1. 4段
  2. 由点分隔符分隔
  3. 每个段的编号范围从下限 => 0 到上限 <= 255

这是基本的。但实际上以下用于验证 IP 地址:-

The first number cannot be 10.
If the first number is 172, the second number cannot be between 16 and 31 (inclusive).
If the first number is 192, the second number cannot be 168.
None of the numbers can be greater than 255.

在我的示例代码中,我不会遵循严格的 IP 验证参数,而是遵循基础知识。

如果您使用的是 VBA,您仍然可以使用Split方法。在此处查看拆分文档。 使用时Split,可以使用分隔符。可以是从 [az] 到 [0-9] 到特殊字符 [,;'@]...


Sub validateIP()

Dim strTrash As String
Dim varDelimited As Variant
Dim varDotDelimited As Variant
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, trueCounter As Integer

'--in your case in between each of the IP address and other combinations, has a white space
strTrash = "00:87:90:65:67:98 vlan.10 none"

'--first delimit by white space using Split
varDelimited = Split(strTrash, " ")

'-- loop through variant array
For i = LBound(varDelimited) To UBound(varDelimited)
    '--validate if delimited strings are starting and ending with a number and if string contains a dot
    If IsNumeric(Left(varDelimited(i), 1)) And IsNumeric(Right(varDelimited(i), 1)) And InStr(varDelimited(i), ".") Then
       '--validate for IP address type
        '--delimit by dot
        varDotDelimited = Split(varDelimited(i), ".")
        '--validate for 4 segments : Split results in zero-indexed arrays
        If UBound(varDotDelimited) = 3 Then

            '--set trueCounter to zero
            trueCounter = 0

            '--validate each segment for a number between 0 and 255
            For j = LBound(varDotDelimited) To UBound(varDotDelimited)
                If IsNumeric(varDotDelimited(j)) And CInt(varDotDelimited(j)) >= 0 And CInt(varDotDelimited(j)) <= 255 Then
                        '--you can either save data into an array or any collection object and dump them later on to sheet
                        '--or simply throw a message box each time you find a valid IP address from Trash
                        trueCounter = trueCounter + 1
                End If
            Next j

            If trueCounter = 4 Then
                MsgBox varDelimited(i) & " is a valid IP Address"
            End If
        End If
    End If
Next i

End Sub

另一种验证方法是使用Regex. 如果您有兴趣,可以稍后查看。

Sub validateIPRegex()
Dim strTrash As String
Dim objRegEx As Object
Dim matchedIPs As Object
Dim i As Integer
Dim allIPs As String

    Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    objRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
    objRegEx.Global = True
    objRegEx.MultiLine = False
    '--this pattern doesn't consider 255. Just any 1 to 3 digit number between 0-9
    objRegEx.Pattern = "(\b(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b)"

    strTrash = "00:87:90:65:67:98 vlan.10 none"
    If objRegEx.Test(strTrash) Then
        Set matchedIPs = objRegEx.Execute(strTrash)
    End If

    If matchedIPs.Count <> 0 Then
        For i = 0 To matchedIPs.Count - 1
                allIPs = allIPs & " " & matchedIPs.Item(i)
        Next i
    End If

    MsgBox allIPs
End Sub
于 2013-10-02T16:50:19.717 回答