public void CreateBlockReference (string strBlockName, Point3d Origin)
// First: lock document by next instruction
DocumentLock dl = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.LockDocument ();
// Second: create separate transaction for each your action
Transaction t = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction ();
// Third: try to make the action your wish
// here I'm getting the table of Blocks this drawing.dwg
BlockTable btTable = (BlockTable)t.GetObject (db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead);
// now get the space of AutoCAD model
BlockTableRecord btrModelSpace = (BlockTableRecord)t.GetObject (
btTable[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace], OpenMode.ForWrite);
if( !btTable.Has (strBlockName) )
ed.WriteMessage (string.Format (msgs.BlockNoExist, strBlockName));
throw new Exception (ErrorStatus.MissingBlockName,
string.Format (msgs.BlockNoExist, strBlockName));
// extract the Block definition, that I want to create a reference
ObjectId myBlockId = btTable[strBlockName];
// next I'm creating the new instance of my Block by definition
BlockReference brRefBlock = new BlockReference (Origin, myBlockId);
// insert created blockreference into space of model
btrModelSpace.AppendEntity (brRefBlock);
t.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject (brRefBlock, true);
// successfully close transaction
t.Commit ();
} // end try
finally // or not
{ t.Dispose ();
dl.Dispose (); // END OF LOCKING!!! ANYWAY
} // end finally