I have created a stock taking report in SSRS 2008. I have also added an extra column in the tablix. The extra column I added is a column I want to have the option to manually click on the checkbox if item is in stock.

I have tried using the wingdings option using the below expression: =iif(Fields!Expr1.Value,chr(252),chr(251)) However the result I get is not the desired result, because I get about 6 winging characters back instead of the check and uncheck boxes I required

How could I go about fixing this ?


1 回答 1


一种选择是使用指标,但我更喜欢在类似情况下使用图像。在报告中嵌入两个需要的图像并在它们之间动态切换。(您可以在 MS Paint 或 Paint.NET 中制作角色的标准图像。)

图像的缺点是它们不能以高分辨率打印,但它们会在大多数设备(不是 .csv)上呈现,并且您无需担心服务器上安装的字体。

至于解决您当前的问题,请尝试更改占位符的“标记类型”(占位符属性-> 常规-> 标记类型。)听起来好像有什么东西在尝试生成不应该生成的 HTML。

于 2013-10-01T18:31:26.217 回答