So, the story is a bit long... but in a nutshell: I had a ec2 microinstance and I lost the connection with it by doing, installing and running whereami (silly me). Then I took a snapshot of the instance and created a volume from it. Then I created a new micro instance and added that volume I got from the one I broke, so now this new instance has two drives sda1 (by default) and sdf (which is the one I added), I atached it from the AWS panel and now I'd like to mount it on my new instance, but I cannot get it. I installed the AWS complement for it sudo apt-get install ec2-api-tools ec2-ami-tools but even know it fails. I tried ec2-attach-volume volume_id -i instance_id -d device like this:

ec2-attach-volume vol-4d826724 -i i-6058a509 -d /dev/sdf

But now it asks me for a key: Required option '-K, --private-key KEY' missing (-h for usage)

And I am quite stuck on this... Of course I do not want to format the drive I'm adding because I want to recover the information it has.


1 回答 1


如果您已从 AWS 管理控制台附加卷,则无需运行ec2-attach-volume. 你只需要安装它。您可以在此处找到说明。


于 2013-09-30T18:22:28.830 回答