
Given a list of prime numbers, this function will
add the next prime number to the list. So, given the 
list [2, 3], it will return [2, 3, 5]
nextPrime xs =  xs ++ [lastVal + nextCounts]
        lastVal       =  (head . reverse) $ xs
        isNextPrime y =  0 `elem` ( map ( y `mod`) xs )
        nextVals      =  (map isNextPrime [lastVal, lastVal+1 ..] )
        nextCounts    =  length $ takeWhile (\x -> x) nextVals

allPrimes xs = allPrimes np
        np = nextPrime xs

现在函数“nextPrime”正在做它应该做的事情。但是,当我调用 allPrimes 时,如下所示:

take 5 $ allPrimes [2,3]

程序进入无限循环。我认为 Haskells 的“懒惰”功能应该解决所有这些问题?我错过了什么??


3 回答 3



take 5 $ allPrimes [2,3]

首先,尝试计算 allPrimes 表达式:

allPrimes [2, 3]


allPrimes np
        np = nextPrime [2, 3]


allPrimes (nextPrime [2, 3])

现在,评估nextPrime [2, 3](你可以这样做,ghci因为该函数有效)和 get [2, 3, 5],你可以在前面的表达式中替换它,它变成

allPrimes [2, 3, 5]


allPrimes [2, 3, 5, 7]


zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
zip (a:as) (b:bs) = (a,b) : zip as bs

zip [1, 2, 3] ['a', 'b', 'c']

a变成1as变成[2, 3]b变成'a'bs变成,['b', 'c']所以你得到

(1, 'a') : zip [2, 3] ['b', 'c']


有关更多信息,请查看弱头范式,但是如果您是 Haskell 的新手,我建议您先熟悉语法和“在 Haskell 中思考”的基础知识,然后再开始研究 WHNF 之类的东西。

于 2013-09-29T17:23:12.600 回答

I'd read Drew's answer for a good explanation of what's going wrong, but for a quick demonstration for how to make this work,

nextPrime xs =  xs ++ [lastVal + nextCounts]
    lastVal       =  (head . reverse) $ xs
    isNextPrime y =  0 `elem` ( map ( y `mod`) xs )
    -- ^ Style note, this name is super misleading, since it returns
    -- false when the number is prime :)
    nextVals      =  (map isNextPrime [lastVal, lastVal+1 ..] )
    nextCounts    =  length $ takeWhile (\x -> x) nextVals

allPrimes xs = last np : allPrimes np
  where np = nextPrime xs

Now we're constructing the list as we go, and haskell is lazy so it can grab the last element of np before evaluating the allPrimes np. In other words head (a : infiniteLoop) is a, not an infinite loop.

However this is really innefficient. Lists are singly linked in Haskell so last is O(n) as opposed to O(1) in something like Python. And ++ is also costly, O(n) for the length of the first list.


 nextPrime xs = lastVal + nextCounts
   where lastVal     = head xs
         isNextPrime = 0 `elem` map (y `rem`) xs
         nextVals    = map isNextPrime [lastVal ..]
         nextCount   = length $ takeWhile id nextVals

 allPrimes xs = p : allPrimes (p:xs)
    where p = nextPrime xs

So we keep the list reversed to avoid those costly traversals. We can also simplify nextPrime

import Data.Maybe
nextPrime xs = fromJust nextPrime
  where isPrime y =  not $ 0 `elem` map (rem y) xs
        nextPrime = find isPrime [head xs ..]

Where we just search the list for the first element which is prime and add it to our list. The fromJust is normally bad, if there were no next primes we'd get an error. But since we know mathematically that there will always be a next prime, this is safe.

In the end, the code looks like

 import Data.Maybe
 import Data.List
 nextPrime xs = fromJust nextPrime
   where isPrime y = 0 `notElem` map (rem y) xs
         nextPrime = find isPrime [head xs ..]
 allPrimes xs = p : allPrimes (p:xs)
   where p = nextPrime xs

To evaluate it, call allPrimes [2].

An even cleaner way to do this would be to have a function isPrime that returns whether a number is prime or not. And then just to have

allPrimes = filter isPrime [1..]

But I'll leave that to the curious reader.

于 2013-09-29T17:56:32.283 回答

正如 Drew 指出的那样,您的函数allPrimes不会从懒惰中受益,因为我们永远无法访问它计算的内容。这是因为我们要查看的列表是 allPrimes 的参数,而不是返回值。

所以我们需要公开 allPrimes 正在构建的列表,并且仍然保留一个函数调用,它将无限地构建这个列表的以下值。

好吧,由于 allPrimes 是对自身的一遍又一遍的重新应用,我们只需要一个公开中间值的函数。我们有一个!

 iterate f a == [a, f (f a),...]

因此,使用 iterate 和 nextPrime,我们可以构建以下(相当奇怪的)函数:

-- nextPrime renamed as nextPrimeList
infiniteListofListofPrimes =  iterate nextPrimeList [2,3]
primeN n =   (infiniteListofListofPrimes !! n) !! n
takeN n  =  take n (infiniteListofListofPrimes !! n)

我们正在生成我们的素数,但它看起来并不好。我们宁可有 [primes],不要多余[[some primes]]

下一步是在 WHNF 上构建列表:

where aux = newvalue:aux



nextPrime xs = lastVal + nextCounts



  infiniteListofPrimes = 2:3:aux 2
       where aux n  = nextPrime (take n infiniteListofPrimes):(aux (n+1))
于 2013-09-29T19:00:15.737 回答