我制作了这个简单的 GUI 程序来计算特定字符序列的元音和辅音。计数器没问题,但是我遇到了 if-else 语句的问题,当该字符既不是元音也不是辅音时,我必须显示一条消息......这是代码:
//I initialized these variables:
public static int vowels = 0, consonants = 0, charac = 0;
public static String outputStr;
public static String conso = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz";
public static String vow = "aeiou";
//Here's the code for my "count" button
private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
String userInput = jTextField1.getText();
userInput = userInput.toUpperCase();
conso = conso.toUpperCase();
vow = vow.toUpperCase();
String wordInput[] = userInput.split("");
vowels = 0;
consonants = 0;
charac = 0;
for(int i=0; i<wordInput.length; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<5; j++) {
char v = vow.charAt(j);
String VL = Character.toString(v);
if(VL.equals(wordInput[i])) {
vowels ++;
charac = 0;}
else {
charac += 1; }
for(int h=0; h<21; h++) {
char c = conso.charAt(h);
String CL = Character.toString(c);
if(CL.equals(wordInput[i])) {
consonants ++;
charac = 0; }
else {
charac += 1; }
String totalVow = Integer.toString(vowels);
String totalCons = Integer.toString(consonants);
//here's the if-else statement:
if (charac == 0) {
jLabel7.setText(" ");
else if (charac >= 1) {
jLabel7.setText("The sequence contains invalid characters.");
if (userInput.isEmpty()) {
jLabel7.setText("No input.");
我输入了一个没有任何特殊字符或数字的字符“序列”。但它仍然显示消息,其中包含元音和辅音以外的其他字符。if-else 语句有问题吗?谢谢您的帮助 :)