我正在使用 jquery.parallax-1.1.3.js 来实现视差效果。(网站:http: //ianlunn.co.uk/plugins/jquery-parallax/

问题:它适用于 css 背景位置。这适用于背景图像,但不适用于我的 html 中的文本。

我想要的:在这个 js 文件中添加一些代码,允许我在 html 文本(H1,H2)上使用视差效果。我更喜欢有身份证。因此,H1 周围会有一个 div,其 ID 与视差效果相关联。


(function( $ ){
    var $window = $(window);
    var windowHeight = $window.height();

$window.resize(function () {
    windowHeight = $window.height();

$.fn.parallax = function(xpos, speedFactor, outerHeight) {
    var $this = $(this);
    var getHeight;
    var firstTop;
    var paddingTop = 0;

    //get the starting position of each element to have parallax applied to it      
        firstTop = $this.offset().top;

    if (outerHeight) {
        getHeight = function(jqo) {
            return jqo.outerHeight(true);
    } else {
        getHeight = function(jqo) {
            return jqo.height();

    // setup defaults if arguments aren't specified
    if (arguments.length < 1 || xpos === null) xpos = "50%";
    if (arguments.length < 2 || speedFactor === null) speedFactor = 0.1;
    if (arguments.length < 3 || outerHeight === null) outerHeight = true;

    // function to be called whenever the window is scrolled or resized
    function update(){
        var pos = $window.scrollTop();              

            var $element = $(this);
            var top = $element.offset().top;
            var height = getHeight($element);

            // Check if totally above or totally below viewport
            if (top + height < pos || top > pos + windowHeight) {

            $this.css('backgroundPosition', xpos + " " + Math.round((firstTop - pos) * speedFactor) + "px");


    $window.bind('scroll', update).resize(update);

这是从 html 调用 js 的方法:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.parallax-1.1.3.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

//.parallax(xPosition, speedFactor, outerHeight) options:
//xPosition - Horizontal position of the element
//inertia - speed to move relative to vertical scroll. Example: 0.1 is one tenth the speed of scrolling, 2 is twice the speed of scrolling
//outerHeight (true/false) - Whether or not jQuery should use it's outerHeight option to determine when a section is in the viewport
$('#third').parallax("50%", 0.5);


你给一个 div 一个 ID。你给这个 Div 一个背景图像。您将 ID 连接到上面的视差效果。我也想做同样的事情,但随后使用 H1。


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