我无法让派生类访问基类中定义的函数。名为 Particle.h 的基类头文件是:
class Particle {
vector<double> x_,y_,z_;
// lots of other protected members that are not relevant to the question
// constructors and other functions not relevant to question are omitted
virtual double getX(const unsigned int index, const double theta, const double phi);
virtual vector<double> getX(const double theta, double Real phi);
vector<double> getX(const unsigned int surfindex);
这个函数的定义在一个名为 Particle.cc 的文件中:
#include "Particle.h"
vector<double> Particle::getX(const unsigned int surfindex)
vector<double> xp;
xp[0] = x_.at(surfindex);
xp[1] = y_.at(surfindex);
xp[2] = z_.at(surfindex);
return xp;
名为 Star.h 的派生类头文件是:
#include "Particle.h"
using namespace std;
class Star : public Particle {
// constructors and other functions not relevant to question are omitted here
virtual void computeRoundness(const unsigned int method);
double getX(const unsigned int index, const double theta, const double phi);
vector<double> getX(const double theta, double Real phi);
computeRoundness 函数的定义在名为 Star.cc 的文件中:
#include "Star.h"
// Lots of other function definitions not relevant to question are omitted here
void Star::computeRoundness(const unsigned int method)
vector<double> X;
unsigned int count = 0;
while (count < ntheta) {
X = getX(count); // Should call base class function, right?
// do some more things with X that are not relevant to this question
Star.cc: In member function ‘virtual void Star::computeRoundness(unsigned int)’:
Star.cc:1340: error: no matching function for call to ‘Star::getX(unsigned int&)’
Star.h:687: note: candidates are: virtual double Star::getX(unsigned int, double, double)
Star.h:696: note: virtual std::vector<double, std::allocator<double> > Star::getX(double, double)