我正在尝试通过 boost::asio 发送原始数据,因为 boost::serialization 对我的需要来说太慢了。按照各种示例和提升文档,我有一个客户:


 void SimulationClient::sendData(std::vector<WaveformDefinition>waveformPackets) {
                boost::bind(&ClientEnvironmentEngine::sendComplete, this,

我在下面尝试了 Tanner Sansbury 的解决方案,但无法使其正常工作。但是,我使用以下方法取得了成功:

class WaveformReceiver {
     WaveformDefinition *buffer;

         buffer = new WaveformDefinition[MAX_WAVEFORMS];

     void startReceive() {
         socket_.async_receive_from(boost::asio::null_buffers(), remote_endpoint_,
               boost::bind(&WaveformReceiver::handleReceive, this,

     void handleReceive(const boost::system::error_code& error,
        std::size_t size/*bytes_transferred*/)
          if (!error)
               int available = socket_.available();
               int numWaveforms = available / sizeof(WaveformDefinition_c);
               socket_.receive(boost::asio::buffer(buffer, available));

               //copy buffer into another buffer so we can re-use the original buffer for the next read
               WaveformDefinition_c* tempBuffer = new WaveformDefinition_c[numWaveforms];
               std::memcpy ( tempBuffer, buffer, available );

               //schedule a thread to handle the array of waveforms that we copied
               threadPool.schedule( boost::bind( handleWaveforms, tempBuffer, numWaveforms));
               //start listening for more waveforms

Tanner 或其他人,你能告诉我我正在做的事情是否也应该起作用,或者我是否很幸运它目前正在工作?


2 回答 2



在不控制服务器和客户端的编译器和体系结构的情况下,发送原始结构通常是不安全的,因为系统之间的字节表示可能不同。虽然在这种特定情况下编译器和架构是相同的,但它们#pragma pack(1)并不相关,因为WAVEFORM_DATA_STRUCT它没有作为原始内存写入套接字。write相反,为收集操作提供了多个内存缓冲区。

boost::array<boost::asio::mutable_buffer,2> buffer = {{
  boost::asio::buffer(&waveformPacket->numWaveforms, ...), // &numWaveforms
  boost::asio::buffer(waveformPacket->waveforms)           // &waveforms[0]

有各种工具可以帮助序列化数据结构,例如Protocol Buffers



struct foo
  char a;
  char b;
  boost::uint16_t c;


0        8       16       24       32
|   a    |   b    |        c        |

确定线路表示后,可以使用两个函数将foo对象序列化(保存)到缓冲区,另一个函数可用于foo从缓冲区反序列化(加载)。由于foo.c大于一个字节,函数还需要考虑字节序。我选择在 Boost.Asio 详细命名空间中使用字节序字节交换函数来实现某些平台中立性。

/// @brief Serialize foo into a network-byte-order buffer.
void serialize(const foo& foo, unsigned char* buffer)
  buffer[0] = foo.a;
  buffer[1] = foo.b;

  // Handle endianness.
  using ::boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::host_to_network_short;
  boost::uint16_t c = host_to_network_short(foo.c);
  std::memcpy(&buffer[2], &c, sizeof c);

/// @brief Deserialize foo from a network-byte-order buffer.
void deserialize(foo& foo, const unsigned char* buffer)
  foo.a = buffer[0];
  foo.b = buffer[1];

  // Handle endianness.
  using ::boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::network_to_host_short;
  boost::uint16_t c;
  std::memcpy(&c, &buffer[2], sizeof c);
  foo.c = network_to_host_short(c);

为 完成序列化和反序列化后foo,下一步是处理foo对象集合。在编写代码之前,需要确定线路表示。在这种情况下,我决定foo用 32 位计数字段作为元素序列的前缀。

0        8       16       24       32
|       count of foo elements [n]   |
|         serialized foo [0]        |
|         serialized foo [1]        |
|                ...                |
|         serialized foo [n-1]      |


/// @brief Serialize a collection of foos into a network-byte-order buffer.
template <typename Foos>
std::vector<unsigned char> serialize(const Foos& foos)
  boost::uint32_t count = foos.size();

  // Allocate a buffer large enough to store:
  //   - Count of foo elements.
  //   - Each serialized foo object.
  std::vector<unsigned char> buffer(
      sizeof count +            // count
      foo_packed_size * count); // serialize foo objects

  // Handle endianness for size.
  using ::boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::host_to_network_long;
  count = host_to_network_long(count);

  // Pack size into buffer.
  unsigned char* current = &buffer[0];
  std::memcpy(current, &count, sizeof count);
  current += sizeof count; // Adjust position.

  // Pack each foo into the buffer.
  BOOST_FOREACH(const foo& foo, foos)
    serialize(foo, current);
    current += foo_packed_size; // Adjust position.

  return buffer;

/// @brief Deserialize a buffer into a collection of foo objects.
std::vector<foo> deserialize(const std::vector<unsigned char>& buffer)
  const unsigned char* current = &buffer[0];

  // Extract the count of elements from the buffer.
  boost::uint32_t count;
  std::memcpy(&count, current, sizeof count);
  current += sizeof count;

  // Handle endianness.
  using ::boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::network_to_host_long;
  count = network_to_host_long(count);

  // With the count extracted, create the appropriate sized collection.
  std::vector<foo> foos(count);

  // Deserialize each foo from the buffer.
  BOOST_FOREACH(foo& foo, foos)
    deserialize(foo, current);
    current += foo_packed_size;

  return foos;


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/detail/socket_ops.hpp> // endian functions
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>            // boost::tie
#include <boost/tuple/tuple_comparison.hpp> // operator== for boost::tuple

/// @brief Mockup type.
struct foo
  char a;
  char b;
  boost::uint16_t c;

/// @brief Equality check for foo objects.
bool operator==(const foo& lhs, const foo& rhs)
  return boost::tie(lhs.a, lhs.b, lhs.c) ==
         boost::tie(rhs.a, rhs.b, rhs.c);

/// @brief Calculated byte packed size for foo.
/// @note char + char + uint16 = 1 + 1 + 2 = 4
static const std::size_t foo_packed_size = 4;

/// @brief Serialize foo into a network-byte-order buffer.
/// @detail Data is packed as follows:
///   0        8       16       24       32
///   |--------+--------+--------+--------|
///   |   a    |   b    |        c        |
///   '--------+--------+--------+--------'
void serialize(const foo& foo, unsigned char* buffer)
  buffer[0] = foo.a;
  buffer[1] = foo.b;

  // Handle endianness.
  using ::boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::host_to_network_short;
  boost::uint16_t c = host_to_network_short(foo.c);
  std::memcpy(&buffer[2], &c, sizeof c);

/// @brief Deserialize foo from a network-byte-order buffer.
void deserialize(foo& foo, const unsigned char* buffer)
  foo.a = buffer[0];
  foo.b = buffer[1];

  // Handle endianness.
  using ::boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::network_to_host_short;
  boost::uint16_t c;
  std::memcpy(&c, &buffer[2], sizeof c);
  foo.c = network_to_host_short(c);

/// @brief Serialize a collection of foos into a network-byte-order buffer.
/// @detail Data is packed as follows:
///   0        8       16       24       32
///   |--------+--------+--------+--------|
///   |       count of foo elements [n]   |
///   |--------+--------+--------+--------|
///   |         serialized foo [0]        |
///   |--------+--------+--------+--------|
///   |         serialized foo [1]        |
///   |--------+--------+--------+--------|
///   |                ...                |
///   |--------+--------+--------+--------|
///   |         serialized foo [n-1]      |
///   '--------+--------+--------+--------'
template <typename Foos>
std::vector<unsigned char> serialize(const Foos& foos)
  boost::uint32_t count = foos.size();

  // Allocate a buffer large enough to store:
  //   - Count of foo elements.
  //   - Each serialized foo object.
  std::vector<unsigned char> buffer(
      sizeof count +            // count
      foo_packed_size * count); // serialize foo objects

  // Handle endianness for size.
  using ::boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::host_to_network_long;
  count = host_to_network_long(count);

  // Pack size into buffer.
  unsigned char* current = &buffer[0];
  std::memcpy(current, &count, sizeof count);
  current += sizeof count; // Adjust position.

  // Pack each foo into the buffer.
  BOOST_FOREACH(const foo& foo, foos)
    serialize(foo, current);
    current += foo_packed_size; // Adjust position.

  return buffer;

/// @brief Deserialize a buffer into a collection of foo objects.
std::vector<foo> deserialize(const std::vector<unsigned char>& buffer)
  const unsigned char* current = &buffer[0];

  // Extract the count of elements from the buffer.
  boost::uint32_t count;
  std::memcpy(&count, current, sizeof count);
  current += sizeof count;

  // Handle endianness.
  using ::boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::network_to_host_long;
  count = network_to_host_long(count);

  // With the count extracted, create the appropriate sized collection.
  std::vector<foo> foos(count);

  // Deserialize each foo from the buffer.
  BOOST_FOREACH(foo& foo, foos)
    deserialize(foo, current);
    current += foo_packed_size;

  return foos;

int main()
  // Create a collection of foo objects with pre populated data.
  std::vector<foo> foos_expected(5);
  char a = 'a',
       b = 'A';
  boost::uint16_t c = 100;

  // Populate each element. 
  BOOST_FOREACH(foo& foo, foos_expected)
    foo.a = a++;
    foo.b = b++;
    foo.c = c++;

  // Serialize the collection into a buffer.
  std::vector<unsigned char> buffer = serialize(foos_expected);

  // Deserialize the buffer back into a collection.
  std::vector<foo> foos_actual = deserialize(buffer);

  // Compare the two.
  std::cout << (foos_expected == foos_actual) << std::endl; // expect 1

  // Negative test.
  foos_expected[0].c = 0;
  std::cout << (foos_expected == foos_actual) << std::endl; // expect 0

这会产生 和 的预期1结果0


// Create and populate a contiguous sequence of foo objects.
std::vector<foo> foo1;

// Get a handle to the contiguous memory block.
const char* buffer = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&foo1[0]);

// Populate a new vector via iterator constructor.  
const foo* begin = reinterpret_cast<const foo*>(buffer);
std::vector<foo> foos2(begin, begin + foos1.size());


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>            // boost::tie
#include <boost/tuple/tuple_comparison.hpp> // operator== for boost::tuple

/// @brief Mockup type.
struct foo
  char a;
  char b;
  boost::uint16_t c;

/// @brief Equality check for foo objects.
bool operator==(const foo& lhs, const foo& rhs)
  return boost::tie(lhs.a, lhs.b, lhs.c) ==
         boost::tie(rhs.a, rhs.b, rhs.c);

int main()
  // Create a collection of foo objects with pre populated data.
  std::vector<foo> foos_expected(5);
  char a = 'a',
       b = 'A';
  boost::uint16_t c = 100;

  // Populate each element. 
  BOOST_FOREACH(foo& foo, foos_expected)
    foo.a = a++;
    foo.b = b++;
    foo.c = c++;

  // Treat the collection as a raw buffer.
  const char* buffer =
      reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&foos_expected[0]);

  // Populate a new vector.  
  const foo* begin = reinterpret_cast<const foo*>(buffer);
  std::vector<foo> foos_actual(begin, begin + foos_expected.size());

  // Compare the two.
  std::cout << (foos_expected == foos_actual) << std::endl; 

  // Negative test.
  foos_expected[0].c = 0;
  std::cout << (foos_expected == foos_actual) << std::endl;

与其他方法一样,这会产生 和 的预期1结果0

于 2013-09-26T18:30:17.967 回答

首先,它使用起来不安全pragma pack(1)。打包可能与不同的编译器/架构不同。此外,您将在协议更改方面遇到问题。我建议改用google protobuf


PS 与 boost::asio 无关,这个问题是关于正确的序列化/反序列化。

于 2013-09-26T16:16:34.953 回答