
public class Person: Entity
    public int Id { get; protected set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public DateTime Birthday { get; set; }


Expression<Func<Person, object>> orderBy = x => x.Name;

var dbContext = new MyDbContext();

var keyword = "term";
var startsWithResults = dbContext.People
    .Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith(keyword))
    .Select(x => new {
        Rank = 1,
        Entity = x,
var containsResults = dbContext.People
    .Where(x => !startsWithResults.Select(y => y.Entity.Id).Contains(x.Id))
    .Where(x => x.Name.Contains(keyword))
    .Select(x => new {
        Rank = 2,
        Entity = x,

var rankedResults = startsWithResults.Concat(containsResults)
    .OrderBy(x => x.Rank);

// TODO: apply thenby ordering here based on the orderBy expression above


我曾尝试在选择具有该Rank属性的匿名对象之前对结果进行排序,但排序最终会丢失。似乎 linq to entity 丢弃了单独集合的排序,并在Concat和期间转换回自然排序Union

我认为我可以做的是将orderBy变量中定义的表达式从x => x.Nameto动态转换x => x.Entity.Name,但我不确定如何:

if (orderBy != null)
    var transformedExpression = ???
    rankedResults = rankedResults.ThenBy(transformedExpression);

我怎样才能使用Expression.Lambdawrap x => x.Nameinto x => x.Entity.Name?当我硬编码x => x.Entity.NameThenBy我得到我想要的顺序时,但它orderBy是由查询的调用类提供的,所以我不想硬编码它。为了简单起见,我在上面的示例中对其进行了硬编码仅作解释。


2 回答 2


这应该会有所帮助。但是,您将不得不具体化 Anonymous 类型才能使其正常工作。Expression<Func<Anonymous, Person>>我的 LinqPropertyChain 无法使用它,因为它仍然是匿名的,很难创建。

Expression<Func<Person, object>> orderBy = x => x.Name;

using(var dbContext = new MyDbContext())
var keyword = "term";
var startsWithResults = dbContext.People
    .Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith(keyword))
    .Select(x => new {
        Rank = 1,
        Entity = x,
var containsResults = dbContext.People
    .Where(x => !startsWithResults.Select(y => y.Entity.Id).Contains(x.Id))
    .Where(x => x.Name.Contains(keyword))
    .Select(x => new {
        Rank = 2,
        Entity = x,

var rankedResults = startsWithResults.Concat(containsResults)
    .OrderBy(x => x.Rank)
    .ThenBy(LinqPropertyChain.Chain(x => x.Entity, orderBy));

// TODO: apply thenby ordering here based on the orderBy expression above


public static class LinqPropertyChain 

    public static Expression<Func<TInput, TOutput>> Chain<TInput, TOutput, TIntermediate>(
        Expression<Func<TInput, TIntermediate>> outter,
        Expression<Func<TIntermediate, TOutput>> inner

        var visitor = new Visitor(new Dictionary<ParameterExpression, Expression>
            {inner.Parameters[0], outter.Body}

        var newBody = visitor.Visit(inner.Body);
        return Expression.Lambda<Func<TInput, TOutput>>(newBody, outter.Parameters);

    private class Visitor : ExpressionVisitor
        private readonly Dictionary<ParameterExpression, Expression> _replacement;

        public Visitor(Dictionary<ParameterExpression, Expression> replacement)
            _replacement = replacement;

        protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node)
            if (_replacement.ContainsKey(node))
                return _replacement[node];
                return node;


Expression<Func<Person, object>> orderBy = x => x.Name;
Expression<Func<Foo, Person>> personExpression = x => x.Person;

var helper = new ExpressionChain(personExpression);
var chained = helper.Chain(orderBy).Expression;

// Define other methods and classes here
public class ExpressionChain<TInput, TOutput>
    private readonly Expression<Func<TInput, TOutput>> _expression; 
    public ExpressionChain(Expression<Func<TInput, TOutput>> expression)
        _expression = expression;

    public Expression<Func<TInput, TOutput>> Expression { get { return _expression; } }

    public ExpressionChain<TInput, TChained> Chain<TChained>
        (Expression<Func<TOutput, TChained>> chainedExpression)
        var visitor = new Visitor(new Dictionary<ParameterExpression, Expression>
            {_expression.Parameters[0], chainedExpression.Body}
        var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<TInput, TOutput>>(newBody, outter.Parameters);
        return new ExpressionChain(lambda);

    private class Visitor : ExpressionVisitor
        private readonly Dictionary<ParameterExpression, Expression> _replacement;

        public Visitor(Dictionary<ParameterExpression, Expression> replacement)
            _replacement = replacement;

        protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node)
            if (_replacement.ContainsKey(node))
                return _replacement[node];
                return node;
于 2013-09-26T15:16:55.317 回答

由于您Rank首先排序,并且Rank每个序列中的值相同,因此您应该能够独立排序然后连接。听起来这里的问题是,根据您的帖子,Entity Framework 没有维护排序ConcatUnion操作。您应该能够通过强制连接发生在客户端来解决这个问题:

var rankedResults = startsWithResults.OrderBy(orderBy)

这应该使该Rank属性变得不必要,并且可能简化对您的数据库执行的 SQL 查询,并且不需要处理表达式树。

不利的一面是,一旦您调用AsEnumerable(),您就不再可以选择附加额外的数据库端操作(即,如果您在 之后链接其他 LINQ 运算符Concat,它们将使用 LINQ-to-collections 实现)。查看您的代码,我认为这对您来说不是问题,但值得一提。

于 2013-10-09T17:52:51.107 回答