I've been looking into empty interfaces and abstract classes and from what I have read, they are generally bad practice. I intend to use them as the foundation for a small search application that I am writing. I would write the initial search provider and others would be allowed to create their own providers as well. My code's intent is enforce relationships between the classes for anyone who would like to implement them.

Can someone chime in and describe if and why this is still a bad practice and what, if any alternatives are available.

namespace Api.SearchProviders
    public abstract class ListingSeachResult
        public abstract string GetResultsAsJSON();

     public abstract class SearchParameters

     public interface IListingSearchProvider
         ListingSeachResult SearchListings(SearchParameters p);

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空类和接口通常仅作为通用约束“有用”;这些类型本身不能使用,并且泛型约束通常是人们可以将它们与其他有用的东西结合使用的唯一上下文。例如,如果IMagicThing封装了一些值,一些实现是可变的,而另一些则不是,想要记录与 an 关联的值的方法IMagicThing可能会这样写:

void RecordValues<T>(T it) where T:IImagicThing,IIsImmutable {...}



由于上述使用约束泛型时的困难,最好通过定义一个派生自但不添加新成员IMagicThing的接口来表达“承诺是不可变的”的概念。一个期望 an 的方法不会接受任何不实现不可变接口的方法,即使它碰巧是不可变的,但是如果一个对碰巧实现的 an 的引用,则可以将该引用转换为后一种类型并且将它传递给需要它的例程。IImmutableMagicThingIMagicThingIImmutableMagicThingIMagicThingIMagicThingIImmutableMagicThing


于 2013-09-26T17:55:18.750 回答