I'm struggling to compile an iPad app for use on iOS 6 and iOS 7.

Here's the message I keep getting:

Property 'barTintColor' not found on object of type 'UITabBar *'; did you mean 'tintColor'?

The Base SDK for the target is set to Latest iOS (iOS 7.0), and the iOS Deployment Target is iOS 6.0. I did a Clean on the project.

Xcode Target Settings

Here is the code:

In the .h file:

@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UITabBar *tabbedBar;

In the .m file:

if ([tabbedBar respondsToSelector: @selector(barTintColor)]) {
     tabbedBar.barTintColor = [UIColor blackColor];

I'm compiling against the iOS 7 SDK, so it should know about barTintColor. Any idea what the problem could be?


Okay, I'm making progress, but not quite understanding why.

See this Xcode screenshot. Note the two entries for my iPad 3 in the Active Scheme selection. What is the difference? If I choose the top option, I get the error. If I choose the bottom option, it works.

Xcode device selection

Can anyone explain why the same device appears twice in this list, and why it works when I choose one and not the other? FYI, the device has iOS 6 installed.


1 回答 1


您的 Xcode 中安装了两个 SDK:适用于 iOS 6 和 iOS 7。现在,如果您插入 iOS 7 设备,它会在设备选择器中显示为两个设备(即选项):第一行是 iPad 3 (iOS 6),iPad 3 (iOS 7) 第二。

您的错误的问题是,当您选择 iPad 3 (iOS 6) 时,Xcode 仍会将设备读取为 iOS 7(无论如何,这就是它已安装的设备),因此在构建它时会传递[tabbedBar respondsToSelector: @selector(barTintColor)]代码(它响应选择器,'因为嘿,它是 iOS 7),但是因为你正在为 iOS 6 构建,同时它会引发一个错误,因为嘿,iOS 6 没有那个方法!乐趣。

基本上,在 iOS 7 设备上进行测试时,您不能使用 iOS 6 选项。您要么需要 iOS 6 设备,要么被困在模拟器上来测试旧版本。

编辑:您可以通过以下方式测试我所说的 - 而不是使用respondsToSelector:use

if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 7.0f) {
    // code

然后选择列表中的第一个设备 (iPad 3 iOS 6)。您会看到您通过了该if子句,但 Xcode 给您一个错误,即选择器在 iOS 6 上不可用。

于 2013-09-25T20:26:29.953 回答