module mod
implicit none
type :: typeBase1
integer :: A1
end type
type :: typeBase2
integer :: A3
end type
type :: typeBase3
integer :: A3
end type
type, extends(typeBase1) :: typeDerived1
! Void
end type
type, extends(typeBase2) :: typeDerived2
! Void
end type
type, extends(typeBase3) :: typeDerived3
! Void
end type
type, extends(typeBase1) :: typeDerived11
! Void
end type
type, extends(typeBase2) :: typeDerived21
! Void
end type
type, extends(typeBase3) :: typeDerived31
! Void
end type
type :: complexType
class(typeBase1), pointer :: ptrBase1 ! typeBase1, 2 and 3 are extensible
class(typeBase2), pointer :: ptrBase2
class(typeBase3), pointer :: ptrBase3
end type
interface calcul
subroutine calculA(obj1, obj2, obj3)
type(typeDerived1) :: obj1 ! typeDerived 1, 2 et 3 are derived type of typeBase1, 2 and 3
type(typeDerived2) :: obj2
type(typeDerived3) :: obj3
end subroutine
subroutine calculB(obj1, obj2, obj3)
type(typeDerived11) :: obj1 ! typeDerived 11, 21 et 31 are derived type of typeBase1, 2 and 3
type(typeDerived21) :: obj2
type(typeDerived31) :: obj3
end subroutine
end interface calcul
subroutine calculComplexType(complex)
type(ComplexType), intent(inout) :: complex
call calcul(complex % ptrBase1, complex % ptrBase2, complex % ptrBase3)
end subroutine
end module mod
subroutine calcul(obj1, obj2, obj3)
class(typeBase1) :: obj1
class(typeBase1) :: obj2
class(typeBase1) :: obj3
end subroutine
无论 ptrBase1、ptrBase2 和 ptrBase3 的动态类型是什么。
我的问题是:在 Fortran 中有没有办法编写接口计算,以便根据参数的动态类型自动选择一个过程?