I came across an issue where a customer is able to open a SAP wsdl using net-beans as well as in .Net but not in soap UI.

When i checked the wsdl i found that service as well as binding tags are not defined or no such tags included. wsdl ends with port-type information.

In soap UI i got an error like no content in the file and when i try to open it in eclipse i am able to open it using web explorer window, but service as well binding information fields are empty. I could see ws-policy elements in customers wsdl.

  1. How he might have produced a wsdl without binding and service information ?

  2. What would be the reason he is telling it is working in .Net?

I am not sure about .Net tools.

  1. Is there any web service client tool which can open the operations without endpoint /service information and send request/response ?..

please help thank you for your time.


1 回答 1



您可以从 NW/ABAP 系统请求两种“风格”的 WSDL。这与服务的实现(编程)通常在与服务配置不同的系统上由不同的人执行这一事实有关。

在实现了服务(或者更确切地说是服务定义)之后,您可以获得所谓的“设计时 WSDL 文档”。本文档不包括端点信息 - 它不能,因为这需要有关目标系统环境及其配置的技术信息,而这些信息根本不可用。

根据服务定义,管理员可以创建配置。这包括绑定信息以及基本 URL、安全设置、传输层设置等内容。使用此配置,您可以生成包含实际端点配置的第二个 WSDL 文档。


于 2013-09-24T10:19:16.407 回答