我用指针创建了一个向量,并在一个名为的方法中从从 Modul 派生的类 DigOut 创建了新对象

BOOL Cbeckhoff_frontendDlg::OnInitDialog()
std::vector<Modul*> arrDigOut;
arrDigOut.push_back(new DigOut(IDC_CHECK1, this,"GVL.DigOut1",pAddr));
for(iNumDO = 0;iNumDO<1;iNumDO++) arrDigOut[iNumDO]->InitCheck(this);


void Cbeckhoff_frontendDlg::OnBnClickedButton3()
for(iNumDO = 0;iNumDO<1;iNumDO++) arrDigOut[iNumDO]->SetID();

我考虑过使用公共指针或 setter 和 getter,

std::vector<Modul*> *   parrDigOut;

在抱怨的地方,没有声明 Modul。


3 回答 3



class Modul;
于 2012-07-18T15:13:19.867 回答

Your example gives the impression you are declaring the vector at function scope. Its lifetime ends at the end of the function call (and all memory is leaked). Store it as a class member and a member functions begin and end that forward to the begin and end member functions of the vector. Possibly wrap them in a dereference_iterator to hide the fact that they are pointers.

class foo {
  foo() { 
    // add things to s_

  ~foo() { 
    // dont forget to delete everything in s_
  typedef std::vector<my_stuff*>::iterator iterator;
  typedef std::vector<my_stuff*>::const_iterator const_iterator;
  iterator begin() { return s_.begin(); }
  iterator end() { return s_.end(); }
  const_iterator begin() const { return s_.begin(); }
  const_iterator end() const { return s_.end(); }

  // or to hide the pointers
  typedef boost::indirect_iterator< std::vector<my_stuff*>::iterator > iterator;
  iterator begin() { return boost::make_indirect_iterator(s_.begin()); }
  iterator end() { return boost::make_indirect_iterator(s_.end()); }
  std::vector<my_stuff*> s_;
于 2012-07-18T15:16:46.730 回答

You could define a member variable as you described. On top of the class declaration just provide a forward declaration,

class Modul;

This is to let the compiler know that such a class is going to get defined somewhere down the line.

The member variables need not be public as it is accessed from another function in the same class.

And just declare the member as:

std::vector<Modul*>   parrDigOut; //No need of pointers

However, you could think of using a smart pointer to make sure that it gets deleted when the parent class gets out of scope

于 2012-07-18T15:17:10.487 回答