I created a database schema using MySQL Workbench's data modeling tool. When it generates the SQL CREATE statements, it generates "default character set = latin1;" for some tables, e.g.:

-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- Table `moocdb`.`resource_types`
-- -----------------------------------------------------
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `moocdb`.`resource_types` (
  `resource_type_id` INT(11) NOT NULL,
  `resource_type_name` VARCHAR(20) CHARACTER SET 'utf8' NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`resource_type_id`))
default character set = latin1;

How can I change it to the schema's default character set? (I found where to change the schema's default character set, but not the table's)

As a side note:

Note: Since MySQL 5.5.3 you should use utf8mb4 rather than utf8. They both refer to the UTF-8 encoding, but the older utf8 had a MySQL-specific limitation preventing use of characters numbered above 0xFFFD.


5 回答 5


You can set the used charset/collation combination in the table editor. You have to expand the header (which is by default collapsed to save space) to be able to change it. See this screenshot:

enter image description here

于 2013-09-24T07:32:10.460 回答

Thanks a lot for this topic : it saves me a lot of time (I searched the header that was just collapsed by default).

I just want to say that you can specify for the table collation the option : schema default (the first option in the collation drop list).

And then, you can specify too the collation for the text type fields : table default.

With that, you can control the collation of your database with just the global schema collation parameter.

(my mysql workbench version : 6.1.7 revision 11891 build 1788)


于 2015-03-11T19:16:29.090 回答

Expand the database. Select the table from the tree view-> Right click and select alter table. You will get the following window shown in the screen shot. Here you can change the charset.enter image description here

于 2013-09-24T10:16:02.003 回答

To change the entire database in the work bench...

In "Model Overview", under "Physical Schemata", right-click the database and select "Edit Schema...". Define the character set to the "Collation"-field. (MySQL Workbench 5.2.35)

Answered here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8149026/5579664

于 2018-07-12T18:04:02.477 回答

When you open your model, double click (or right click and edit) on MySQL schema, and MySQL Workbench show you, settings for Charset/Collation like as figure

First Case

Second Case

于 2019-12-07T08:18:05.980 回答