We launched an app on friday that uses iAds (full screen as well as banners). The dev version shows that iAds are working and itunes connect states that our app is live and receiving ads - but so far there were about 4k requests but fill is still 0.

Is this normal? How can I exclude that there is any technical problem preventing the app to receive ads?

edit: the app is in english and was launched globally (most of the 4k requrests originate from the us)


3 回答 3


可能不是发生在您身上的事情,但我可以告诉您,如果 iAd 团队阻止您的应用程序接收广告(例如,因为它针对儿童),那么没有任何迹象,您将看到您所看到的确切内容。

于 2013-10-07T12:51:34.963 回答

在给苹果发了一封电子邮件之后(无论如何都没有得到答复,所以我不知道是否有联系),iAds 开始出现,Fillrate 现在约为 60%

于 2013-10-09T05:36:09.730 回答

我在其他地方看到过 iAd 在应用程序可用的前几天没有填写。

于 2014-03-10T20:16:27.523 回答