Why does Solr url has a '#' as part of its url? There were quite a few posts about the same question in the past eg. http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Curious-why-Solr-Jetty-URL-has-a-sign-td4069434.html but with no proper workaround.

I never had any problem when I was just using a single core but when I made my Solr as a multicore that is when I have issues with Solr url having '#' (pound sign).

For eg.,

solr url - http://localhost:8983/solr/ 

(when the above solr admin url loads in a browser, it changes to this - http://localhost:8983/solr/#/)

When I click on individual collections to get their url, this is what I get as seen below -

solr url for collection1 (core 1)- http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collection1
solr url for collection2 (core 2)- http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collection2

I have two different applications which should query their own particular solr collection, which means I have to provide their collection specific solr url. When I added this url http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collection1, the application that should utilize solr collection 'collection1' is unable to connect to solr. It is returning 'Problems were found while connecting to the SOLR server HTTP code=404 Not Found'. Same is the case with other application using Solr 'collection2'

Please tell me how I can get rid of '#' from the solr url or any possible fix for the above issue


1 回答 1


# 是管理仪表板生成的 url。实际与集合交互,url格式不变,去掉#--


或 /select 或 /update 或其他任何东西。

于 2013-09-23T18:43:37.297 回答