I am trying to specialize some utility code on const member functions, but have problems to get a simple test-case to work.
To simplify the work i am utilizing Boost.FunctionTypes and its components<FunctionType>
template - a MPL sequence which should contain
the tag const_qualified
for const member functions.
But using the test-code below, the specialization on const member functions fails. Does anybody know how to make it work?
The test-code prints out (using VC8 and boost 1.40):
Expected output is:
The test-code itself:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/function_types/function_type.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/contains.hpp>
namespace ft = boost::function_types;
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
template<typename F>
struct select
template<bool IsConst /* =false */>
struct helper {
static void f() { std::cout << "non-const" << std::endl; }
struct helper</* IsConst= */ true> {
static void f() { std::cout << "const" << std::endl; }
typedef ft::components<F> components;
typedef typename mpl::contains<components, ft::const_qualified>::type const_qualified;
typedef helper<const_qualified::value> result;
typedef boost::function<void (void)> Functor;
template<typename MF>
Functor f(MF f)
return boost::bind(&select<MF>::result::f);
class C
void f1() {}
void f2() const {}
int main()
f(&C::f1)(); // prints "non-const" as expected
f(&C::f2)(); // prints "non-const", expected "const"