
After upgrading to Xcode 5, after compiling and executing an application, the screen appears dimmed and doesn't react to tap and pan gestures, both on a real device and simulator. Other similar apps compile and execute fine on iPhone. Anyway, it is not completely blocked. It's still responsive to Game Center, iCloud and rotation events. Strangely, it works fine on iPad.

Deployment target is set to 6.1.

Any hint?


1 回答 1



我找到了答案。试图弄清楚我做错了什么,我意识到我一直在尝试更改主视图的背景颜色和 alpha 值,但我确实忘记将它们保留在 IB 之前。因此,在更改主视图的 alpha 值时,它的所有子视图都变暗了。


于 2013-09-23T07:03:02.597 回答