我是 VHDL 的新手。我编写了一个递减计数器的代码,其中计数器从数组中选择整数并将其倒数为零并增加检查输出。我希望你们验证代码在逻辑上是否正确。如果是,那么我如何使用测试台对其进行测试。

entity counter is
   port(clk   : in bit;
        check : out integer);
end counter;     

architecture imp of counter is
   type my_array is array(natural range<>) of integer;
   constant set:my_array(1 to 5):= (2,4,6,8,10);--array of 5 integers
   signal count:integer:=set(1); --initiating count with integer at first location of array 
   signal t : integer;
      variable i : integer:= 1;--to be used to indicate the locations of array 
      if (clk='1' and clk'event) and (count>0) then
      elsif (clk='1' and clk'event) and (i<5) then 
         count<= set(i);
      end if;
   end process;
end imp;

2 回答 2


您的代码可以正确编译,但我们需要更详细地描述它应该做什么来确保它是正确的。正如@tsukuyo 所说,您还需要在第 10 行中为信号“t”分配一个初始值。


use std.textio.all;                                                      
use std.env.all;                                                         

entity counter_tb is                                                     

architecture testbench of counter_tb is                                  
   signal clk: bit;                                                      
   signal check: integer;                                                

   -- instantiate the unit under test                                    
   uut: entity work.counter port map(clk => clk, check => check);

   -- generate a clock pulse with a 20 ns period                         
   clk <= not clk after 10 ns;                                           

   run_tests: process is                                                 
      -- declare an array with all expected output values                
      type integer_vector is array(natural range<>) of integer;          
      constant EXPECTED_RESULTS: integer_vector := (                     
         0, 0, 0,                                                        
         1, 1, 1, 1, 1,                                                  
         2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,                                            
         3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,                                      
         4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4                                 
      variable log_line: line;                                           

      -- loop through all expected values and ensure that                
      -- they match the actual output value                              
      for i in EXPECTED_RESULTS'range loop                               
         wait until rising_edge(clk);                                    
            "i: " & to_string(i) &                                       
            ", check: " & to_string(check) &                             
            ", expected: " & to_string(EXPECTED_RESULTS(i))              
         writeline(output, log_line);                                    
         assert check = EXPECTED_RESULTS(i);                             
      end loop;                                                          

      report "End of simulation. All tests passed.";                    
   end process;                                                          



# Loading std.standard
# Loading std.textio(body)
# Loading std.env(body)
# Loading work.counter_tb(testbench)
# Loading work.counter(imp)
# run -all
# i: 0, check: 0, expected: 0
# i: 1, check: 0, expected: 0
# i: 2, check: 0, expected: 0
# i: 3, check: 1, expected: 1
# i: 4, check: 1, expected: 1
# i: 5, check: 1, expected: 1
# i: 6, check: 1, expected: 1
# i: 7, check: 1, expected: 1
# i: 8, check: 2, expected: 2
# i: 9, check: 2, expected: 2
# i: 10, check: 2, expected: 2
# i: 11, check: 2, expected: 2
# i: 12, check: 2, expected: 2
# i: 13, check: 2, expected: 2
# i: 14, check: 2, expected: 2
# i: 15, check: 3, expected: 3
# i: 16, check: 3, expected: 3
# i: 17, check: 3, expected: 3
# i: 18, check: 3, expected: 3
# i: 19, check: 3, expected: 3
# i: 20, check: 3, expected: 3
# i: 21, check: 3, expected: 3
# i: 22, check: 3, expected: 3
# i: 23, check: 3, expected: 3
# i: 24, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 25, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 26, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 27, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 28, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 29, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 30, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 31, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 32, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 33, check: 4, expected: 4
# i: 34, check: 4, expected: 4
# ** Note:  End of simulation. All tests passed.
#    Time: 690 ns  Iteration: 0  Instance: /counter_tb                                                              

注意:要使用 Modelsim 运行上述仿真,请键入:

vlib work
vcom -2008 *.vhd
vsim -c counter_tb(testbench) -do "run -all; quit"
于 2013-09-22T20:03:47.250 回答


请参阅测试平台概述以了解如何使用 VHDL 编写测试平台。


entity counter_tb is

architecture arch of counter_tb is

   component counter is
      port (clk   : in bit;
            check : out integer);
   end component;

   signal clk: bit;
   signal check: integer;

   UUT: counter
      port map (clk => clk, check => check);

   clk_proc: process
      clk <= '0';
      wait for 50 ns;
      clk <= '1';
      wait for 50 ns;
   end process; 

end arch; 
于 2013-09-22T01:53:06.477 回答