I have a website successfully deployed to Azure and it's been working fine. Recently the website stops responding seemingly out of nowhere with "server encountered an internal error". It comes back on its own.

To troubleshoot this, I believe I need to FTP the logs from the website to review them.

To get the logs, I believe I need to create Deployment Credentials for the website (I normally deploy from within Visual Studio using a publishing profile.

When I go to create the deployment credentials, I repeatedly receive the error "Failed to Set Credentials with error: 'Cannot modify this user as there is another operation in progress.'"

I am not aware of any other operation in progress. Is there a way to look at what other operation is in progress? Does this even sound like a legitimate issue? Is this maybe a misleading error message where the issue is actually something else?

Thanks in advance


3 回答 3


我可以像这样通过 FTP 访问日志:

  1. Deployment credentials在部分 设置您的用户名和密码FTP用户名和密码

  2. 切换到Properties部分以查看 FTP 连接详细信息 FTP 连接详细信息

  3. 在您首选的 FTP 客户端中创建连接:

    • 服务器名称:FTP_HOST_NAME:21/LogFiles
    • 密码:Password set in Deployment credentials
    • 使用被动模式
    • 无 SSL 显式
于 2018-01-30T13:06:34.260 回答

在此处查看此最近的链接 来自 MSFT 的某人表示正在进行数据中心维护。虽然不确定这是否是真正的原因。

于 2013-10-25T19:13:11.053 回答


您还可以使用发布配置文件与 FTP 连接。



  1. userName:普通用户名
  2. userPWD:密码
  3. publishUrl(带有 FTP 的那个):主机或服务器。
于 2018-01-30T11:53:08.363 回答