public class AES256
private String charSet = "UTF-8";
private String algo = "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding";
private String baseAlgo = "AES";
private String hashAlgo = "PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1";
private String key = null;
private String salt = "defaultsaltsalt";
private String iv = "a1bC@6jZ!#sL1z0y";
private Cipher cipher;
private BufferedInputStream bIs;
private BufferedOutputStream bOs;
public AES256()
public AES256(String pass)
this.key = pass;
public AES256(String pass, String salty)
this.key = pass;
this.salt = salty;
public AES256(String pass, String salty, String ivs)
this.key = pass;
this.salt = salty;
this.iv = ivs;
public void setKey(String key)
this.key = key;
public void setSalt(String salt)
this.salt = salt;
public void setIV(String ivs)
this.iv = ivs;
* @Method Pads and constructs the SecretKey (Padding @ 32)
* @return Returns the padded key.
* @throws Exception Exception is thrown if the key is null or something else wrong..
public SecretKeySpec getKey() throws Exception
byte[] saltBytes = salt.getBytes(charSet);
SecretKeyFactory factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(hashAlgo);
PBEKeySpec spec = new PBEKeySpec(
300000, //make variable
263 //default 32 bytes
SecretKey secretKey = factory.generateSecret(spec);
SecretKeySpec secret = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getEncoded(), baseAlgo);
return secret;
* @Method Pads and returns the IV (Padding @ 16)
* @return
* @throws Exception
public byte[] getIV() throws Exception
byte[] byteKey = iv.getBytes(charSet);
MessageDigest sha = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512");
byteKey = sha.digest(byteKey);
byteKey = Arrays.copyOf(byteKey, 16);
return byteKey;
public byte[] encrypt(byte[] plainText) throws Exception
cipher = Cipher.getInstance(algo);
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, getKey(), new IvParameterSpec(getIV()));
System.out.println("Plain text length: "+plainText.length);
byte[] enc = Base64.encodeBase64(cipher.doFinal(plainText));
System.out.println("Encrypted text length "+enc.length);
return enc;
public byte[] decrypt(byte[] encryptedText) throws Exception
cipher = Cipher.getInstance(algo);
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, getKey(), new IvParameterSpec(getIV()));
System.out.println("Encrypted Decrypted Text length: "+encryptedText.length);
byte[] de = cipher.doFinal(Base64.decodeBase64(encryptedText));
System.out.println("Decrypted Text length: "+de.length);
return de;
public void encrypt(File fileToEncrypt) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, Exception
if(fileToEncrypt == null)
throw new FileNotFoundException("File given to encrypt was not found!");
File encrypted = new File(cutPath(fileToEncrypt.getPath()), "ENCRYPTED "+fileToEncrypt.getName());
bIs = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileToEncrypt));
bOs = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(encrypted));
int read = 0;
byte[] buff = new byte[1024];
while((read = bIs.read(buff)) != -1)
byte[] enc = encrypt(buff);
bOs.write(enc, 0, enc.length);
public void decrypt(File fileToDecrypt) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, Exception
if(fileToDecrypt == null)
throw new FileNotFoundException("File given to decrypt was not found!");
File decrypted = new File(cutPath(fileToDecrypt.getPath()), "DECRYPTED "+fileToDecrypt.getName().replace("ENCRYPTED ", ""));
bIs = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileToDecrypt));
bOs = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(decrypted));
int read = 0;
byte[] buff = new byte[1388];
while((read = bIs.read(buff)) != -1)
byte[] de = decrypt(buff);
bOs.write(de, 0, de.length);
private String cutPath(String path)
String temp = "";
String[] parts = path.split(Pattern.quote(File.separator));
for(int i = 0; i < parts.length-1; i++)
return temp;
我正在使用我编写的这个类来使用 CBC/PKCS5PADDING 在 java 中加密和解密信息,并且我还使用哈希算法来对我的密码进行哈希处理。
无论如何,我正在使用 encrypt(File) 方法,当我给它一个文件时,它一次获取 1024 个字节的信息并加密该信息,然后转换为 BASE64 以避免编码问题..然后将其写回另一个文件名称相同,但前面有 ENCRYPTED 或 DECRYPTED 字样……并且与父文件位于同一目录中。
现在我的问题是,当它加密信息时,我向它发送 1024 字节的信息进行处理,然后使用 BASE64 来避免编码问题,例如 UTF 等。但最终我正在加密的 1024 字节是如何加密的变成 1388 字节的数据,这就是我得到的……现在为什么会这样?