我需要创建一个搜索 2 个文本的批处理文件。捕获变量中的一行文本(至少包含 3 个字符串中的一个,但不包含第四个字符串)及其行号。


@echo off
set "found="
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=[]" %%a in (' find /n /v "" ^< "%LocalDir%\list.txt" ') do (
    echo "%%b"|findstr /i /c:"one two small" /c:"one two birds" /c:"one two strings" >nul && set found=1
    if defined found echo "%%b"|findstr /v /c:"one two small red apples" >nul || set "found="
    if defined found (
        echo %%a found
        @echo off & setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
        set var=%%b
        set Line_num=%%a
    ) else ( 
        echo %%a NOT FOUND
    set "found="

REM part2--------------------

for /f "delims=" %%d in (list1.txt) do (
    set FullVersion=%%d
    @echo off & setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    for /f "tokens=1* delims=" %%e in ("%%d") do (
        if !Line_num!==%%e
        set var2=!FullVersion!
        echo !var2! 


echo %var%
echo %var2%



    for /f "tokens=1,* delims=[]" %%a in (' find /n /v "" ^< "%LocalDir%\software_list.txt" ') do (

echo "%%b"|findstr /i /c:"Micro Focus Enterprise " /c:"Micro Focus Visual" /c:"Micro Focus COBOL" >nul && set found=1

if defined found echo "%%b"|findstr /v /c:"Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET" >nul || set "found="
 if defined found (set LineNumber=%%a&set ProductName=%%b)
REM  else (echo Main Micro Focus product NOT FOUND. Nothing to do. Exit.&exit /b)
 set "found="

find "2." temp1.txt > temp3.txt
for /f "tokens=2,3 delims==" %%c in (temp3.txt) do (echo %%c >> %LocalDir%\software_list1.txt)
for /f "tokens=1*delims=[]" %%a in (' find /n /v "" ^< "software_list1.txt" ') do IF %%a==%LineNumber% SET ProductVersion=%%b 

REM ECHO %LineNumber%
REM ECHO %ProductName%
REM ECHO %ProductVersion%

set ProductName=%ProductName:"=%
set ProductName=%ProductName: =%
set ProductVersion=%ProductVersion:"=%
set ProductVersion=%ProductVersion: =%

set out_file_name=%ProductName%_%ProductVersion%_%COMPUTER_NAME%
REM echo %out_file_name:"=%



3 回答 3


这个块没有意义,因为它在新的 setlocal 上下文中设置变量,并且在 endlocal 之后变量丢失了。

    @echo off & setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    set var=%%b
    set Line_num=%%a

在第二个块中,您为每次迭代打开一个 setlocal 上下文,这将导致溢出错误。
而 Part2 之后的 endlocal 似乎也适得其反。

该行if !Line_num!==%%e总是会产生语法错误

顺便提一句。为什么要@echo off在代码中使用?批处理开始时的第一个应该足够了。

您应该只setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion在脚本的开头使用一个。
如果您遇到感叹号问题,您应该只使用 DelayedExpansion 切换。你可以使用一些回声来看看会发生什么,比如

for /f "tokens=1* delims=" %%e in ("%%d") do (
    echo Compare: !Line_num!==%%e
    if !Line_num!==%%e set var2=!FullVersion!
    echo !var2! 
于 2013-06-06T07:40:30.260 回答
@echo off

rem I need to create a batch file that searches through 2 text FILEs.
rem Captures a line of text in a variable (that contains at least one of 3
rem strings, but doesn't contain forth string) and its line number.

set Line_num=
for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in (
       'findstr /N /I /C:"one two small" /C:"one two birds" /C:"one two strings" "%LocalDir%\list.txt"
     ^| findstr /V /C:"one two small red apples"' ) do (

   echo %%a found
   set var=%%b
   set Line_num=%%a

REM part2--------------------

if defined Line_num (

   rem Searches through the second text and captures in another variable 
   rem the line of text that exists on the line-number of the first variable.

   for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%d in ('findstr /N "^" list1.txt') do (
      if %Line_num% == %%d (
         set var2=%%e
         echo %%e

echo %var%
echo %var2%
于 2013-06-06T11:58:39.673 回答
@echo off
set "found="
for /f "tokens=1*delims=[]" %%a in (
  ' find /n /v "one two small red apples" ^< "%LocalDir%\list.txt" ') do (
 echo "%%b"|findstr /i /c:"one two small" /c:"one two birds" /c:"one two strings" >NUL
 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET lnbr=%%a&SET ltext=%%b

for /f "tokens=1*delims=[]" %%a in (' find /n /v "" ^< "list1.txt" ') do IF %%a==%lnbr% SET L1txt=%%b 

ECHO(line number %lnbr%
ECHO(from LIST   %ltext%
ECHO(from LIST1  %L1txt%

这应该做你想要的 - 如果我理解正确的话。更好地显示您的数据和所需输出的示例。试图修复不做未定义的事情的代码是令人沮丧的。

于 2013-06-06T09:23:48.263 回答