This answer is in support of Simeon Visser's observation. I ran the following code:
import gc, random, time
if "xrange" not in dir(__builtins__):
xrange = range
class DataObject(object):
def __init__(self, time, price, amount, type):
self.time = time
self.price = price
self.amount = amount
self.type = type
def create_data(n):
result = []
for index in xrange(n):
s = str(index);
result.append(DataObject("T"+s, "P"+s, "A"+s, "ty"+s))
return result
def convert1(trades):
data = []
for trade in trades:
js = dict()
js['time']= trade.time
js['price']= trade.price
js['amount']= trade.amount
js['type']= trade.type
return data
def convert2(trades):
data = [{'time': trade.time, 'price': trade.price, 'amount': trade.amount, 'type': trade.type}
for trade in trades]
return data
def convert3(trades):
ndata = len(trades)
data = ndata*[None]
for index in xrange(ndata):
t = trades[index]
js = dict()
js['time']= t.time
js['price']= t.price
js['amount']= t.amount
js['type']= t.type
#js = {"time" : t.time, "price" : t.price, "amount" : t.amount, "type" : t.type}
return data
def main(n=1000000):
t0s = time.time()
trades = create_data(n);
t0f = time.time()
t0 = t0f - t0s
t1s = time.time()
jtrades1 = convert1(trades)
t1f = time.time()
t1 = t1f - t1s
t2s = time.time()
jtrades2 = convert2(trades)
t2f = time.time()
t2 = t2f - t2s
t3s = time.time()
jtrades3 = convert3(trades)
t3f = time.time()
t3 = t3f - t3s
print ("Times:")
print (" Build ............ " + str(t0))
print (" For loop ......... " + str(t1))
print (" List Comp. ....... " + str(t2))
print (" Ratio ............ " + str(t2/t1))
print (" For loop 2 ....... " + str(t3))
print (" Ratio ............ " + str(t3/t1))
Results on Win7, Core 2 Duo 3.0GHz:
Python 2.7.3:
Build ............ 2.95600008965
For loop ......... 0.699999809265
List Comp. ....... 0.512000083923
Ratio ............ 0.731428890618
For loop 2 ....... 0.609999895096
Ratio ............ 0.871428659011
Python 3.3.0:
Build ............ 3.4320058822631836
For loop ......... 1.0200011730194092
List Comp. ....... 0.7500009536743164
Ratio ............ 0.7352942070195492
For loop 2 ....... 0.9500019550323486
Ratio ............ 0.9313733946208623
Those vary a bit, even with GC disabled (much more variance with GC enabled, but about the same results). The third conversion timing shows that a fair-sized chunk of the saved time comes from not calling .append() a million times.
Ignore the "For loop 2" times. This version has a bug and I am out of time to fix it for now.