class MotionObject { ... };
class Entity : public MotionObject { ... };
class Coin : public Entity { ... };
class TextSign : public Entity { ... };
class ShapeEnemy : public Entity { ... };
class Attractor : public ShapeEnemy { ... };
class Bumper : public ShapeEnemy { ... };
所以 Coin、TextSign、Attractor 和 Bumper 类是游戏中实例化的实体类型。为不同类型的实体设置不同的类感觉不错,但我无法摆脱这样一种感觉,即如果我只有一个实体类,可能会避免一些麻烦,其中包含一个 switch 语句,该语句根据其“实体类型”控制其行为,存储在变量中的东西。玩家根据它们的类型以不同的方式与这些实体交互,我每次都使用 dynamic_cast 和一个空测试来确定应用了哪些行为。需要明确的是,这些是针对我无法在每个实体上调用简单 Update() 的行为;玩家将以特定的方式做出响应,或者他们将进行实体间的交互,这一切都基于实体类型。我的代码如下所示:
void Game::Update(float deltaT) {
for (int i =0; i < DrawChildren.size(); i++) {
//each entity has its Update called
//What follows is code that the Game class needs to run based on the entity type.
Coin * coin = dynamic_cast<Coin*>(DrawChildren[i]);
if (coin != nullptr) {
continue; //so no other type's code executes, in case I have inherited types.
TextSign * textSign = dynamic_cast<TextSign*>(DrawChildren[i]);
if (textSign != nullptr) {
continue; //so no other type's code executes, in case I have inherited types.
Attractor * attractor = dynamic_cast<Attractor*>(DrawChildren[i]);
if (attractor != nullptr) {
continue; //so no other type's code executes, in case I have inherited types.
Bumper * bumper = dynamic_cast<Bumper*>(DrawChildren[i]);
if (bumper != nullptr) {
continue; //so no other type's code executes, in case I have inherited types.