
How important is to have the ability to solve recurrences? Would it suffice to have some idea of an upper bound on the worst case running time, maybe just knowing a loose upper bound by looking at the code structure. I mean would it suffice in such case as opposed to solving it exactly?

From a practical standpoint, is this a desired skill in the industry?


1 回答 1


在我看来,重要的是对算法的扩展方式有一个很好的了解:如果将输入加倍会使程序不消耗额外的计算资源,如果程序将使用 2、4 或 8 倍的资源,甚至更多. 能够得出一个严格的上限是很好的,但在我看来这不是必需的。

于 2013-09-17T15:18:27.053 回答