我有 vicidial 并且工作正常。版本:2.4-364a | 星号 1.4.44 | 单服务器 | 安装后无额外软件 | CentOS 5.5 版


  1. 代理获得与客户端连接的出站呼叫。
  2. 代理通过单击转接按钮 => 与客户拨号呼叫其他主管。
  3. 主管接听电话后,三个人都将参加会议。
  4. 现在,代理将通过单击三向离开按钮挂断电话。

在这里,当代理点击 Dial with Customer 时,manager_send.php 被执行。这个 manager_send.php 文件将 Originate 命令触发到星号。

在 vicidial.php 文件中 - 第 4241 行:


{agent_dialed_type='XFER_OVERRIDE';} // 由于 Asterisk 中的错误,这些调用变量实际上不起作用 call_variables = '__vendor_lead_code=' + document.vicidial_form.vendor_lead_code.value + ',__lead_id=' + document.vicidial_form.lead_id 。价值;




1 回答 1


The lead_id is encoded in the transfer and used to open the same lead on the manager screen that was open on the client side. This way you can pass information using the vicidial_list table and its fields from the fronter to the closer. If you want to use warm handover as you described I would suggest using a webform since vicidial does not play nicely with two Agents haven a lead open at the same time... So if Agent A changes data after initiating the transfer, these changes can/will be lost. On the other hand if Agent A Walks away after leaving the 3-way without properly closing the lead, lead changes from Agent B might be lost when Agent A comes back...

Do not try to use any of the asterisk variables yourself as those will not be passed with any transfers! Transfers in Vicidial are nothing more than people entering a conference and the other person leaving!

于 2014-05-16T06:17:11.633 回答