Suppose I have an ajax request sending me a callback data data (some text). I have in my html

<tbody class="files-upload">
...some tags
<tr class="clonable template-upload">
        <span class="preview-upload"></span>


 var clone = $('.clonable').clone();

The problem is that my .files-upload remains empty !


2 回答 2


I suggest you to wrap your table tags by a table tag. I guess it is the reason why console.log($(clone).find(".preview-upload").length); outputs to 0

于 2013-09-16T23:18:50.497 回答

The case is probably that your jQuery select statement isn't finding your .preview-upload. I bet if you did this:


That it would show you 0. Use the web inspector or firebug to improve your query. A query with 0 found elements is a noop. It will not tell you that it did not add any text nodes, it simply does nothing.

I always do this anyway, but it probably doesn't help with your problem:

$('.preview-upload', clone).text(data);
于 2013-09-16T23:03:12.760 回答