如果我在里面创建一个单例+[NSObject initialize],我需要把我的代码放在dispatch_once这样的块中吗?

static NSObject * Bar;
@implementation Foo
+ (void)initialize {
  if (self == [Foo class]) {
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
      Bar = [NSObject new];


我对此感到担忧,因为我想确保所有线程都会看到我在调用Bar后设置+[Foo initialize]的内容。文档说+[NSObject initialize]是线程安全的,但这是否意味着它是内存安全的?


3 回答 3


您的直接问题的答案是您不需要dispatch_once,但您确实需要那里的类检查,因为每个“非实现子类”+initialize也会调用一次。它只会为您关心的特定类调用一次 ( ),因此是无关的。回复:线程安全,该方法将在任何其他方法被分派到类(或其实例)之前完成。Foodispatch_once+initialize

但是,您没有描述所需的访问模式,因此根据您的需要,您可能希望做相反的事情——如果您希望子类也可以访问Bar,那么这将是脆弱的;如果子类在自身之前被初始化Foo,则将阻止Bar创建类检查。如果您打算这样做,请使用dispatch_once但删除类检查 - 通常允许Bar第一次创建Foo或初始化其任何子类。(警告:除非子类也覆盖+initialize,当然。)

于 2013-09-16T20:10:39.800 回答

Bill Bumgarner说这dispatch_once是苹果现在推荐的做法


 * Only one thread is allowed to actually initialize a class and send 
 * +initialize. Enforced by allowing only one thread to set CLS_INITIALIZING.


*  +initialize deadlock case when a class is marked initializing while 
 *  its superclass is initialized. Solved by completely initializing 
 *  superclasses before beginning to initialize a class.
 *  OmniWeb class hierarchy:
 *                 OBObject 
 *                     |    ` OBPostLoader
 *                 OFObject
 *                 /     \
 *      OWAddressEntry  OWController
 *                        | 
 *                      OWConsoleController
 *  Thread 1 (evil testing thread):
 *    initialize OWAddressEntry
 *    super init OFObject
 *    super init OBObject            
 *    [OBObject initialize] runs OBPostLoader, which inits lots of classes...
 *    initialize OWConsoleController
 *    super init OWController - wait for Thread 2 to finish OWController init
 *  Thread 2 (normal OmniWeb thread):
 *    initialize OWController
 *    super init OFObject - wait for Thread 1 to finish OFObject init
 *  deadlock!
 *  Solution: fully initialize super classes before beginning to initialize 
 *  a subclass. Then the initializing+initialized part of the class hierarchy
 *  will be a contiguous subtree starting at the root, so other threads 
 *  can't jump into the middle between two initializing classes, and we won't 
 *  get stuck while a superclass waits for its subclass which waits for the 
 *  superclass.

此外,类初始化状态变量由 a 保护monitor_t它实际上定义为

typedef struct {
    pthread_mutex_t mutex;
    pthread_cond_t cond;
} monitor_t;

由于它是 a p_thread_mutex,并且p_thread 调用实现了内存屏障,因此使用起来同样安全:

static NSObject * Bar;
@implementation Foo
+ (void)initialize {
  if (self == [Foo class]) {
    Bar = [NSObject new];

static NSObject * Bar;
@implementation Foo
+ (void)initialize {
  static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
  dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
    Bar = [NSObject new];
于 2014-03-17T14:32:53.360 回答




正如@Vincent Gable 在评论中提到的那样,如果子类本身没有实现方法,则该initialize方法可能会被多次调用。但是,这样的调用不会有问题,因为有检查。Fooinitializeself == [Foo class]

于 2013-09-16T19:49:02.647 回答